Mathématique et physique : séminaire de l'Ecole normale supérieure, 1979-1982
Louis Boutet de Monvel, Adrien Douady, Jean-Louis Verdier, editors
(Progress in mathematics, vol. 37)
Birkhäuser, 1983
: U.S.421.4||M3383011212
: U.S.QC20.5.E33 1983
: U.S.758301957
愛媛大学 図書館 図 : U.S.421.4||M16011217525690
: U.S.410.8//P00013681119
: U.S.421.4||B 66187745434
: U.S.ikkatu
東京理科大学 野田図書館 野図 : U.S.410.8||P94.2||3760434569
: U.S.410.8||Pr||37018402283
名古屋大学 理学 図書室 理数理 P||FRA||82-M||2387940820340
: U.S.410.8||37||2025210028847
: U.S.410.11||E192381190810
: U.S.90000891
明治大学 図書館 生 410.8||9-37||||K28918030 "This volume contains the lectures given at the Mathematical Physics Seminar of the Ecole normale supérieure in 1979-80, 1980-81, and, in addition 3 texts from 1981-82. The subjects treated include Yang-Mills vector bundles, transfer matrices, Lie algebras, differential equations and algebraic curves and the Riemann Hilbert problem and isomonodromic deformations"--Abstract Abstract also in English Includes bibliographies
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