This book takes a fresh look at the role the United States Government and the Chilean military played in the overthrow of the Allende government. It addresses four specific topics. Part I focuses on official and non-official United States intervention and examines other actors in the international system. Part II covers special interest groups (the Catholic church, women's organizations, trade unions, and others), the Chilean military, the Political Opposition, the political structure of Chile, and the economic situation. Part III discusses the problems within the decision-making elite. Part IV describes the pre-crisis period and the events that led to the crisis period. The author's concluding chapter offers new perspectives on the overthrow of Allende in Chile. Scholars of Latin American studies, United States foreign policy, socialism, and the interested layreader will find this volume timely and provocative.
Spanish Glossary Preface Introduction: Conceptual Framework The Impact of External Actors U.S. Involvement in Chile Other Actors in the International System The Impact of Domestic Actors Interest Groups Chilean Military: The Threat From Within Political Opposition: Gradual Legitimation of the Coup Political Structure The Economic Dimension: The Limits to Change Problems Within the Decision-Making Elite The Decision-Making Elite: A Disunited Popular Unity The Burden of Allende: Misperception of Political Reality Coupled with Ideological Divisionism Within the Coalition Crisis Behavior Pre-Crisis Period The Crisis Period Conclusion Selected Bibliography List of Newspapers, Wire Services, and Periodicals Index
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