The Visual arts : plastic and graphic
editor, Justine M. Cordwell
(World anthropology)
Mouton , Distributed in the USA and Canada by Aldine, 1979
: moutonM402:132:978712411631
: mouton389/W88/Co132499
National Museum of Ethnology. Library : avcW1/700.103/Vis1401110024
National Museum of Japanese History Library 書庫 : Mouton389||CO0100608520
中央大学 中央図書館 政策 701/V8300015816507
: moutonikkatu
Institute of Industrial Science Library, the University of Tokyo 図書 : MoutonX-7.0:2006702007748 : mouton3897912704
T119043776*, Papers prepared for the 9th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago, 1973 Includes bibliographies and indexes
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