This workshop was intended as an update and an extension of the workshop 011 the "Spectral Evolution of Galaxies" that was held in Erice two years ago. It concentrates 011 Ilew developments concerning galaxies seen at large look back times. This seemed also a good opportunity to look ahead to the next generation of ground- and space based instrumentation, and to consider various future strategies for collecting information concerning the edge of the observable universe. The main idea was to bring together people with specialities in modelling galaxy components (such as stars, clusters, gas, and dust) as well as whole stellar systems (stellar populations, star formation rates, chemical enrichment), and people specialized in making direct measurements of galaxies and clusters at large look back times. The confrontation of expectations and observations was planned to be the central theme of the conference, which explains the title "Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshift". The first part of the workshop focussed on the physical processes that operate in galaxies, and that would likely have some observable manifestation at large redshifts. In the second part the most recent observational work was reported, and we were pleased to have the participation of most of the groups active in this field. The last part was directed towards new approaches to be made possible by the next generation of instrumentation, although in general all the contributions were indeed in this spirit of setting more ambitious goals.
1. Pupulations and Processes in Spheroidal Systems.- Optical and Infrared Studies of Stellar Populations: The Galactic Nuclear Bulge.- The Formation of Galactic Spheroids.- Global Stellar Populations of Elliptical Galaxies: A. Optical Properties.- Global Stellar Populations of Elliptical Galaxies: B. Ultraviolet Enercy Distributions.- Interpreting Integrated Spectra.- Integrated Colors of Galaxies of Composite Metallicity.- Evolutionary Population Synthesis: A New Grid of Models.- The Integrated Spectra of Globular Clusters.- A New Approach for Stellar Population Synthesis in Galaxy Nuclei: A Library of Star Clusters.- Galactic Winds in Ellipticals: Consequences for Galactic and Intergalactic Enrichment.- 2. Star-Forming Disk Systems.- Global Properties and Stellar Populations of Spiral Galaxies.- The Formation of Galactic Disks.- Spiral Structure and Galaxy Evolution.- Some Recent Results on the Dynamical Evolution of Galactic Structures.- Starburst Galaxies.- Ring Galaxies as Probes of Starburst Evolution.- Large-Scale Variations in the Luminosity Function of Galaxies.- Some Remarks about Modelling the Chemical Evolution of Galaxies.- 3. Field and Cluster Galaxies at Large Redshift.- Distant Galaxies: Limits on Cosmology and Evolution.- Galaxy Morphology at Large Redshift.- The Red Envelope and the Age of the Universe.- Evidence for Luminosity and Color Evolution in Faint Field Galaxies.- Results from a Sample of 1000 Field Galaxies.- Deep Imaging of Field Galaxies at Short Wavelengths.- A Deep Redshift Survey of Field Galaxies.- New Limits on the Surface Density of z = 5 Primeval Galaxies.- Clusters of Galaxies.- Cluster Galaxies at High Redshift.- Distribution of Colors in the z = 0.24 Cluster II Zw 1305.4 + 2941.- Spectroscopic Observations of Galaxies in A370.- Near-Infrared Observations of Distant Cluster Ellipticals.- Lyman-Alpha Galaxies at Large Redshifts.- Comments on the Reality of the Butcher-Oemler Effect.- 4. Active Galactic Nucle.- The Rise and Fall of the Active Galactic Nuclei.- Properties of Galaxies near Quasars.- Quasar Absorption Lines and High Redshift Galaxies.- 5. New Techniques and Instrumentation.- The Gregorian Upgrade at Arecibo and its Impact on Some Aspects of Extragalactic Research.- High Resolution Imaging in the Infrared Using Adaptive Optics.- Applications of the Tully-Fisher Relation at High Redshift.
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