Affaire Irlande contre Royaume-Uni = Case of Ireland against the United Kingdom
(Publications de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme = Publications of the European Court of Human Rights, Série B . Mémoires,
Carl Heymanns Verlag , Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe, 1980-1981
Case of Ireland against the United Kingdom
v. 1E1||341.481||Pub||F20021981005203512,
v. 13-12-1430//B23-1011000398969,
v. 1323.3085/P-96/2-23-10010017184,
v. 1329.9||C 832||23-141204749,
"1976-1978" English and French on opposite pages numbered in duplicate in v. 1-2 Errata slip inserted in v. 3 Includes bibliographical references and index
Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe
関連文献: 1件中 1-1を表示