A history of engineering and science in the Bell System
Bell Telephone Laboratories
prepared by members of the Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories ; E.F. O'Neill, editor
AT&T Bell Laboratories c1985 A history of engineering and science in the Bell System
prepared by members of the Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories ; F.M. Smits, editor
AT&T Bell Laboratories 1985 A history of engineering and science in the Bell System
S. Millman, editor
AT & T Bell Laboratories 1984 A history of engineering and science in the Bell System [1]
S. Millman, editor
AT & T Bell Laboratories 1983 A history of engineering and science in the Bell System [2]
prepared by A.E. Joel, Jr. and other members of the technical staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories ; G.E. Schindler, Jr., editor
Bell Telephone Laboratories c1982 A history of engineering and science in the Bell System [3]
prepared by members of the technical staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories ; M.D. Fagen, editor
Bell Telephone Laboratories 1978 A history of engineering and science in the Bell System [2]
M.D. Fagen, editor
Bell Telephone Laboratories c1975 A history of engineering and science in the Bell System [1]