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v. 1 : us ISBN 9780387966618
The Fourth Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics was held at Purdue University during the period June 15-20, 1986. The symposium brought together many prominent leaders and younger researchers in statistical decision theory and related areas. The 65 invited papers and discussions presented at the symposium are collected in this two-volume work. The papers are grouped into a total of seven parts. Volume I has three parts: Part 1 -Conditioning and Likelihood; Part f! - Bayes and Empirical Bayes Analysis; and Part 9 -Decision Theoretic Estimation. Part 1 contains the proceedings of a Workshop on Conditioning, which was held during the symposium. Most of the articles in Volume I involve either conditioning or Bayesian ideas, resulting in a volume of considerable interest to conditionalists and Bayesians as well as to decision-theorists. Volume II has four parts: Part 1 -Selection, Ranking, and Multiple Com- parisons; fart f! -Asymptotic and Sequential Analysis; Part 9 -Estimation and Testing; and Part -4 -Design and Comparison of Experiments and Distributions.
These articles encompass the leading edge of much current research in math- ematical statistics, with decision theory, of course, receiving special emphasis. It should be noted that the papers in these two volumes are by no means all theoretical; many are applied in nature or are creative review papers.
1 - Conditioning and Likelihood.- What Is the Likelihood Function?.- Discussion.- Discussion.- Reply to Discussion.- The Relevance of Stopping Rules in Statistical Inference.- Discussion.- Discussion.- Discussion.- Reply to Discussion.- Conditionally Acceptable Frequentist Solutions.- Discussion.- Discussion.- Discussion.- Discussion.- Discussion.- Reply to Discussion.- On the Validity of the Likelihood Principle.- Resampling Generated Likelihoods.- 2 - Bayes and Empirical Bayes Analysis.- Bayesian Linear Probabilistic Classification.- Bayesian Numerical Analysis.- Estimating Logistic Regression Probabilities.- Bayes and Empirical Bayes Analysis in Multistage Sampling.- Empirical Bayes Rules for Selecting the Best Binomial Population.- A Bayesian Treatment of Multivariate Normal Data with Observations Missing at Random.- Causality Assessment for Adverse Drug Reactions: An Application of Subjective Probability to Medical Decision Making.- Determining the Accuracy of Bayesian Empirical Bayes Estimates in the Familiar Exponential Families.- The U,V Method of Estimation.- Some Results on Robustness in Testing.- 3 - Decision-Theoretic Estimation.- Shrinkage Estimators: Pseudo-Bayes Rules for Normal Mean Vectors.- The Differential Inequality of a Statistical Estimation Problem.- Bayesian Estimation Subject to Minimaxity of the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution in the Case of a Common Unknown Variance: A Case for Bayesian Robustness.- New Estimators for the Mean Vector of a Normal Distribution with Unknown Covariance Matrix.- On Inadmissibility of Some Unbiased Estimates of Loss.- Dominating Inadmissible Procedures Using Compromise Decision Theory.- On Estimating Characteristic Roots in a Two-Sample Problem.- On Admissible Estimation in Exponential Families with Imprecise Information.- Estimated Loss and Admissible Loss Estimators.
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v. 2 : us ISBN 9780387966625
The Fourth Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics was held at Purdue University during the period June 15-20, 1986. The symposium brought together many prominent leaders and younger researchers in statistical decision theory and related areas. The 65 invited papers and discussions presented at the symposium are collected in this two-volume work. The papers are grouped into a total of seven parts. Volume I has three parts: Part 1 -Conditioning and Likelihood; Part 2 -Bayes and Empirical Bayes Analysis; and Part 3 -Decision Theoretic Estimation. Part 1 contains the proceedings of a Workshop on Conditioning, which was held during the symposium. Most of the articles in Volume I involve either conditioning or Bayesian ideas, resulting in a volume of considerable interest to conditionalists and Bayesians as well as to decision-theorists. Volume II has four parts: Part 1 -Selection, Ranking, and Multiple Com- parisons; Part 2 -Asymptotic and Sequential Analysis; Part 3 -Estimation and Testing; and Part 4 -Design and Comparison of Experiments and Distributions.
These articles encompass the leading edge of much current research in math- ematical statistics, with decision theory, of course, receiving special emphasis. It should be noted that the papers in these two volumes are by no means all theoretical; many are applied in nature or are creative review papers.
1 - Selection, Ranking, and Multiple Comparisons.- Sequential Selection Procedures for Multi-Factor Experiments Involving Koopman-Darmois Populations with Additivity.- Selection Problem for a Modified Multinomial (Voting) Model.- A Decision Theory Formulation for Population Selection Followed by Estimating the Mean of the Selected Population.- On the Problem of Finding the Largest Normal Mean under Heteroscedasticity.- On Least Favorable Configurations for Some Poisson Selection Rules and Some Conditional Tests.- Selection of the Best Normal Populations better Than a Control: Dependence Case.- Inference about the Change-Point in a Sequence of Random Variables: A Selection Approach.- On Confidence Sets in Multiple Comparisons.- 2 - Asymptoticand Sequential Analysis.- The VPRT: Optimal Sequential and Nonsequential Testing.- An Edgeworth Expansion for the Distribution of the F-Ratio under a Randomization Model for the Randomized Block Design.- On Bayes Sequential Tests.- Stochastic Search in a Square and on a Torus.- Distinguished Statistics, Loss of Information and a Theorem of Robert B. Davies.- Prophet Inequalities for Threshold Rules for Independent Bounded Random Variables.- Weak Convergence of the Aalen Estimator for a Censored Renewal Process.- Sequential Stein-Rule Maximum Likelihood Estimation: General Asymptotics.- Fixed Proportional Accuracy in Three Stages.- 3 - Estimationand Testing.- Dominating Inadmissible Tests in Exponential Family Models.- On Estimating Change Point in a Failure Rate.- A Nonparametric, Intersection-Union Test for Stochastic Order.- On Estimating the Number of Unseen Species and System Reliability.- The Effects of Variance Function Estimation on Prediction and Calibration: An Example.- On Estimating a Parameter and Its Score Function, II.- A Simple Test for the Equality of Correlation Matrices.- Conditions of Rao's Covariance Method Type for Set-Valued Estimators.- Conservation of Properties of Optimality of Some Statistical Tests and Point Estimators under Extensions of Distributions.- Some Recent Results in Signal Detection.- 4 - Design, and Comparisonof Experimentsand Distributions.- Comparison of Experiments and Information in Censored Data.- A Note on Approximate D-Optimal Designs for G x 2m.- Some Statistical Design Aspects of Estimating Automotive Emission Deterioration Factors.- Peakedness in Multivariate Distributions.- Spatial Designs.
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