This paperback edition, originally published as a two-volume set in Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften has made this classical compendium of quantitative methods in quantum mechanics more accessible to students. In addition to problems of classical and relativistic quantum mechanics, this volume contains methods of approximation, problems in radiation theory & scattering theory. Choice stated that the original edition: "..probably represents the best collection of detailed solution for problems in quantum mechanics. The style, readibility, and quality of presentation are excellent; the level is appropriate for an advanced under- graduate or graduate course in quantum mechanics. These volumes will be a valuable reference for faculty and students and will serve as an excellent supplementary text."
Part I: One-Body Problems without Spin. One-Dimensional Problems. Problems of Two or Three Degrees of Freedom without Spherical Symmetry. The Angular Momentum. Potentials of Spherical Symmetry. The Wentzel-Kramers Brillouin (WKB) Approximation. The Magnetic Field.- Part II: Particles with Spin. One-Body Problems. Two-and Three-Body Problems. Many-Body Problems. Few Particles. Very Many Particles: Quantum Statistics. Non-Stationary Problems. The Relativistic Dirac Equation. Radiation Theory. Mathematical Appendix.
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