Der Reinhart Fuchs des Elsässers Heinrich
unter Mitarbeit von Katharina von Goetz, Frank Henrichvark und Sigrid Krause ; herausgegeben von Klaus Düwel
(Altdeutsche Textbibliothek, Nr. 96)
M. Niemeyer, 1984
Reinhart Fuchs
Reynard the Fox
: gebE413:H10:18712209855
関西大学 図書館 図 : geb202190871
: pbkG093529A
名古屋大学 附属図書館 中央図4F 948.4||Hei40839438
: pbk948||F51113880C This edition of ms. Cod. Bodmer 72 from the Bibliotheca Bodmeriana is a 13th century adaptation of the original late 12th century poem "Isengrims nôt" by Heinrich der Glîchesaere. Fragments of the original, which form ms. Poet. germ. and rom. 1 in the Murhardsche Bibliothek, Kassel, are presented on opposite pages Text in Middle High German; introduction and notes in German Bibliography: p. xl-xliii
M. Niemeyer
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