In the present stage of integration, private and public market integration is really what the European Community is all about. A stable security settin- itself, in part, a result of European integration - and cooperative politics in Western Europe have enabled the creation and maintenance of an elaborate legal system and common institutions facilitating the unification of product markets throughout the Community. Of course, the pervasive and incessant politicisation of Community decision-making at the Ministerial level tends to diminish attention for what actually happens in the Community industrial markets, while also obscuring its profound economic impact on Europeah society. It is precisely from the fascination with this vivid 'core' of the European Community that this book has arisen. I have attempted to combine empirical economic analysis, and a minimum of institutional description, with economic theory. Access to theory has been facilitated by the avoidance of algebraic tools, employing - only where necessary - geometric tools. In combining the analytical traditions of international and industrial economics, linked to a fairly detailed institutional economics of legal arrangements and competences at the EC level, it is hoped to provide the relevant tools to comprehend the industrial Euromarkets.
- One: Market Integration From Below.- 1 Some efficiency effects of customs union.- 1.1 The theory of customs union.- 1.1.1 Basic propositions
- .- 1.1.2 An economic case for the customs union
- .- 1.1.3 Refinements.- 1.2 Empirical measurements for the European Community.- 1.2.1 Some caveats
- 1.2.2 Ex-ante empirical studies
- .- 1.2.3 Ex-post empirical studies.- 1.3 Improving technical efficiency.- 1.3.1 A simple model
- .- 1.3.2 Qualifications and extensions
- .- 1.3.3 An industrial economics approach.- 1.4 Some conjectures about the EC case.- Notes.- 2 Customs union and economies of scale.- 2.1 Efficiency effects once again.- 2.1.1 Technical economies of scale
- .- 2.1.2 Customs union and decreasing costs
- .- 2.1.3 A stronger case for the customs union?.- 2.2 Other supply economies.- 2.3 Economies of scale in the EC.- 2.3.1 Technical economies of scale.- 2.3.2 Economies of multiplant firms.- Notes.- 3 Customs union, market structure and firm size.- 3.1 Customs union and initial domestic monopoly.- 3.1.1 Imports from partners
- .- 3.1.2 Intra-union exports.- 3.2 Intra-union trade and seller concentration over time.- 3.2.1 Theoretical considerations
- .- 3.2.2 Empirical evidence
- .- General tests
- .- Case-studies: electric appliances and cars.- 3.3 Customs union and innovation.- 3.3.1 The product life cycle in a customs union setting
- .- 3.3.2 Competition by innovation.- 3.4 Customs union and firm size over time.- Notes.- 4 Customs union and intra-industry trade.- 4.1 Defining and measuring intra-industry trade.- 4.2 The emerging theory of intra-industry trade.- 4.2.1 Monopolistic competition, scale and intra-union trade
- .- 4.2.2 Oligopoly and intra-union trade.- 4.3 Intra-industry trade in the Community.- 4.4 Empirical tests.- 4.5 Epilogue.- Notes.- 5 Customs union and international production.- 5.1 Customs union, foreign production and 'welfare'.- 5.2 Direct investments and trade theory.- 5.3 Did the EC attract US direct investment? Empirical tests on the aggregate level.- 5.4 Did the EC attract US direct investment? An industrial economics approach.- 5.4.1 The theory of international production
- .- 5.4.2 Explaining US direct investments in the Community.- 5.5 The 'American Challenge' and European market integration.- 5.6 Community direct investments in the European Community.- 5.6.1 Estimates of intra-Community direct investment
- .- 5.6.2 Towards a theory of intra-union foreign production
- .- The single union-market perspective
- .- The firm-strategic perspective
- .- 5.6.3 Implications for market integration-from-below.- Notes.- Two: Market Integration from Above.- 6 The Community's internal market.- 6.1 Some legal properties of the Common Market.- 6.2 Integration of industrial product markets.- 6.2.1 Border interventions
- .- The customs union
- .- National product regulations and market access
- .- Other disparities hampering intra-EC trade
- .- 6.2.2 Domestic interventions
- .- The economic order of the EEC Treaty
- .- Community versus domestic interventions.- 6.3 Market segmentation by enterprises.- 6.4 Beyond product market integration.- 6.4.1 A disparate set
- .- 6.4.2 Capital market integration.- Notes.- 7 The Competition Regime.- 7.1 Objectives.- 7.2 What kind of competition?.- 7.3 The scope of the EC Competition Regime.- 7.4 Private firm behavior.- 7.4.1 Cartels and concerted practices
- .- 7.4.2 Abuse of dominant position
- .- Community law
- .- Theoretical considerations
- .- Mergers.- 7.5 Links with other EC policies.- 7.6 The consumer and Community-wide competition.- Notes.- 8 The Common Commercial Policy.- 8.1 Objectives.- 8.2 Commercial policy assignments to the Community.- 8.3 Forms of common trade policy.- 8.4 Commercial diplomacy vis-a-vis developed economies.- 8.5 Trade policy as development policy.- 8.5.1 Preferentialism: an analysis
- .- 8.5.2 Preferentialism: the Community practice
- .- 8.5.3 The Lome Conventions.- 8.6 The product structure of Community protection.- 8.6.1 Industrial tariff protection
- .- 8.6.2 Industrial volume protection.- 8.7 Anti-dumping policy.- Notes.- 9 Community Policies for industry.- 9.1 Nature and scope of industrial policy.- 9.2 Community and national competences in industrial policy.- 9.3 Community surveillance.- 9.3.1 National public aids
- .- 9.3.2 Crisis cartels
- .- 9.3.3 Public firms
- .- 9.3.4 Public procurement.- 9.4 Positive industrial policy.- 9.4.1 Community funds for industry
- .- 9.4.2 Firm size policies
- .- 9.4.3 Advanced industries.- 9.5 Trade policy as industrial policy.- 9.6 Searching for coherence.- Notes.
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