The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation provides an understanding of certain theoretical issues involved in social attachment and separation. The book brings together a number of investigators studying animal and human models of the psychobiology of attachment and separation. The contributors are actively conducting studies that incorporate physiological measures in attachment-separation paradigms. Thus, the book's unique features include reviews and interpretations of recent data on the physiological correlates of attachment and separation behavior in both animals and humans.
The book is divided into two parts, one on animal models and one on human models. The first part reviews research from several animal species, including studies on the biology of maternal behavior and physiological, neurochemical, and neuroanatomical correlates of both attachment and separation. The chapters on animal models provide an overview of the state of knowledge on both the biology of social attachment and the biological correlates of separation. The second part presents reviews and new data on attachment and separation in human infants. A summary chapter examines both animal and human data and offers a synthesis of the results, including clinical implications and ideas for future research.
Part I Animal Models
1. Brain Opioids and Social Emotions
Conceptual Background
The Brain Opioid Hypothesis of Social Affect
Social Bonding and Narcotic Addiction
Brain Mechanisms of Gregariousness
Separation-Induced Physiological Changes and Brain Opioids, Social Attachments, and Psychopathologies
2. Biology of Maternal Behavior: Recent Findings and Implications
Mothers, Maternal Behavior, and Maternal Attachment
Biological Bases of Maternal Behavior in Rats
Biological Bases of Maternal Behavior in Nonhuman Primates
3. Neurobiology of Affiliative Behavior in Nonhuman Primates
Brain Lesion and Electrical Recording Studies
Neurochemical Studies
Neural Mechanisms Reconsidered
4. Effects of Differences in Early Social Experience on Primate Neurobiological-Behavioral Development
The Social Primate: A Social-Biological Approach
Effects of Early Deprivation on Rhesus Monkeys: The Isolation Syndrome
Experimental Approaches to the Study of the Neurobiology of Attachment
Implications for Human Social Behavior and Psychopathology
5. Endocrine and Immune Responses to Separation and Maternal Loss in Nonhuman Primates
Temporal Aspects of the Separation Response in Squirrel Monkeys
Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Separation Response
Influence of the Home Environment and Social Support
Effect of Repeated Separation Experiences
Pharmacological Manipulations of the Vocalization Response
Importance of the Adrenal Response to Separation
Effect of Separation on the Immune System
Comparison with the Separation Response of the Rhesus Macaque
General Considerations
6. Separation and Depression: Biological Markers
Relationship to Human Depression
General Considerations Concerning Disease Models
Mother-Infant Separation
Peer Separation Model
Interactions of Pharmacological Agents with Peer Separation
Use of Animal Models to Investigate an Interactive Model of Depression
7. On the Nature of Social Separation and Social Attachment
Attachment as Viewed from the Standpoint of Separation
Attachment and Psychobiological Synchrony
Evidence for the Neurobiological Basis of Attachment
Evolutionary Correlates
Clinical Considerations
Part II Human Models
8. The Attachment Learning Process and Its Relation to Cultural and Biological Evolution: Proximate and Ultimate Considerations
The Paleoanthropological Background
Biological Constraints on Behavioral Development and the Ecological Adaptation of Behavior
Proximate Developmental Processes and the Role of Learning
Attachment Learning: A Comparative Analysis
Processes of Proximate and Ultimate Causation: A Developmental Perspective
On the Evolutionary Origins of Attachment Behavior
Parental Investment, Inclusive Fitness, and Attachment Theory: The New Synthesis
Concluding Remarks
9. Multiple Caretaking in the Context of Human Evolution: Why Don't the Efe Know the Western Prescription for Child Care?
Continuous Care and Contact Model
Selected Observations of Efe Child-Rearing Practices
Efe Practices: Social and Biological Demands
A Model of Regulation of Exchanges between Organism and Environment
10. Biobehavioral Antecedents in the Development of Infant-Mother Attachment
Ethological-Organizational Theory
Attachment Quality: Assessment and Diagnosis
Antecedents of Attachment Quality
Biobehavioral Pathways to Infant-Mother Attachment
Neuroendocrine Antecedents to Infant Attachment
The Michael Reese Infant-Mother Research Program
Summary and Conclusion
11. Variations in Parental and Nonparental Response to Early Infant Communication
Parental Responses to Infant Smiles and Cries
Parental Responses to Premature Infants
Response of Mothers Who Have Preterm Infants of Their Own
Response Patterns of Abusive Mothers
Children's Responses to Infant Smiles and Cries
12. Cardiac Responses of Mothers and Infants in Ainsworth's Strange Situation
Empirical Studies
Analogue Studies of Maternal Responsivity
Cardiac Response of Mothers and Infants in the Strange Situation
Learned Helplessness Model of Maternal Response
Application of the Helplessness Model
13. Behavioral and Autonomic Antecedents of Attachment in High-Risk Infants
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as a Measure of Central Nervous System (CNS) Integrity
HRV Differences among High-Risk Infants
HRV and Facial Expression
The Relations of HRV to Attachment
Developmental Implications
14. Attachment as Psychobiological Attunement: Being on the Same Wavelength
The Bowlby-Ainsworth Model of Attachment
Physiological Data Confirming a Biphasic Response to Separation
Separation: A Sufficient But Not a Necessary Condition
Peer Attachment and Separation
Differential Stimulation and Arousal Modulation Needs May Be Met by Different Individuals
Mother-Infant Interactions Illustrating Attunement
Disturbed Mother-Infant Interactions Illustrating Lack of Attunement
Manipulations of Early Mother-Infant Interactions: Perturbations of Attunement
Peer Interactions
Attachments between Adults
15. The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation: A Summary
Individual Differences in Attachment
Biological Markers and Mechanisms Underlying Attachment and Separation: Animal Models
Separation Behavior: Biphasic Response
Psychobiological Attunement or Synchrony: An Alternative Model of Attachment
Future Directions for Research
Author Index
Subject Index
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