China from the opium wars to the 1911 revolution
by Jean Chesneaux, Marianne Bastid, and Marie-Claire Bergère ; translated from the French by Anne Destenay
(The Pantheon Asia library : new approaches to the new Asia)
Pantheon Books, c1976
1st American ed
: pbk001316380
関西大学 図書館 図 A130101
Translation of Des guerres de l'opium à la guerre franco-chinoise, 1840-1885, by J. Chesneaux and M. Bastid, v. 1 of Histoire de la Chine; and chapters 1-3 of De la guerre franco-chinoise à la fondation du parti communiste chinois, 1885-1921, by Chesneaux, Bastid, and M.C. Bergère, v. 2 of the Histoire Includes bibliographies and index
Pantheon Books
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