Bleomycin Chemotherapy focuses on the clinical uses of bleomycin. Bleomycin, a group of glycopeptides isolated from Streptomyces verticillus, has a unique structure and mechanism of action among anticancer drugs. The drug's remarkable lack of bone marrow toxicity prompted its addition to myelosuppressive regimens and enabled treatment of patients with compromised hematopoietic function. Bleomycin is an integral component of one of the great triumphs of medical oncology-the curative treatment of metastatic testicular carcinomas. Similar curative potential has been demonstrated for bleomycin in combination with cisplatin and vinblastine in germ-cell cancers of the ovary. Bleomycin is included in several important treatment regimens for Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. The drug also has clinical activity against squamous carcinomas of various sites. These uses and other aspects, including the development of new bleomycin analogs, are discussed in the following chapters, which were first presented at a symposium jointly sponsored by the Northern California Cancer Program and Bristol Laboratories in San Francisco, California, 14-15 September 1984.
I. Introduction
1. Bleomycin: More than a Decade Later
I. Introduction
II. Testicular Cancer
III. Hodgkin's Disease
IV. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
V. Head and Neck Cancers
VI. Uterine Cervical Cancer
VII. Conclusion
2 Clinical Pharmacology of Bleomycin
I. Pharmaceutical Properties
II. Mechanism of Action
III. Pharmacokinetics
IV. Clinical Use
II. Testicular and Ovarian Cancers
3. Chemotherapy of Testicular Carcinoma: An Overview
I. Introduction
II. Chemotherapy
III. Prognostic Variables
IV. Toxicity
V. Conclusion
4. The Memorial Hospital Experience in the Management of Testicular Germ-Cell Tumors
I. Introduction
II. The VAB II Regimen
III. The VAB III Regimen
IV. VAB IV and VAB V Regimens
V. The VAB VI Regimen
VI. Adjuvant Surgery
VII. Conclusion
5. Effective Treatment of Malignant Ovarian Germ-Cell Tumors with Cisplatin, Vinblastine, and Bleomycin (PVB)
I. Introduction
II. Methods
III. Results
IV. Discussion
III. Head and Neck Cancer
6. The Role of Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer
I. Introduction
II. Salvage Treatment
III. Primary Treatment
IV. Prognostic Factors
V. Conclusions
7. Head and Neck Cancer: Bleomycin plus Radiotherapy
I. Introduction
II. Randomized Studies
III. Nonrandomized Studies
IV. Normal Tissue Effects of Combined Treatment
V. Discussion
8. The Role of Induction Chemotherapy in Combined-Modality Treatment Programs
I. Introduction
II. Effect on Treatment and Survival
III. Testicular Cancer
IV. Osteosarcoma
V. Head and Neck Cancer
VI. Discussion
VII. Summary
9. Induction Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer: SUNY Buffalo and VAMC Experience
I. Introduction
II. Methods
III. Results
IV. Discussion
V. Conclusion
IV. The Malignant Lymphomas
10. Hodgkin's Disease: an Overview and ABVD Studies in Milan
I. Introduction
II. MOPP versus ABVD
III. Salvage Treatment
V. Conclusion
11. Bleomycin in Combination with MOPP in the Management of Advanced Hodgkin's Disease: A Southwest Oncology Group Experience
I. Introduction
II. Patients and Methods
III. Results
IV. Discussion
12. Combined-Modality Studies in the Treatment of Hodgkin's Disease
I. Background
II. Prospective Clinical Trials
III. Combined-Modality Therapy in Pediatric Hodgkin's Disease
IV. Future Directions
13. The Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas: an Overview
I. Low-Grade Lymphomas
II. Intermediate-Grade Lymphomas
III. High-Grade Lymphomas
IV. Future Directions
14. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas: Milan Studies
I. Introduction
II. Combined-Modality Therapy for Stage I to Stage II Disease
III. Alternating Chemotherapy in Stage III to Stage IV Disease
IV. Conclusion
15. BACOP and Related Studies in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
I. Single-Agent Bleomycin
II. Bleomycin in Chemotherapy Combinations
III. Four- and Five-Drug Regimens
IV. Therapeutic Programs Using Continuous-Infusion Bleomycin
V. New Intensive-Treatment Multidrug Regimens
V. Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
16. A Reassessment of Bleomycin in Lung Cancer and Other Intrathoracic Neoplasms
I. Systemic Therapy of Lung Cancer
II. Locally Directed Therapy
III. Role in Treating Mesothelioma
IV. Future Directions
17. Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Bleomycin plus Etoposide and Cisplatin
I. Introduction
II. Patients and Methods
III. Results
IV. Discussion
VI. Cervical Cancer
18. Cervical Cancer: Bleomycin Studies-An Overview
I. Introduction
II. Single-Agent Chemotherapy
III. Combination Chemotherapy Including Bleomycin
19. Bleomycin in Cervical Carcinoma: Protocols of the Northern California Oncology Group
I. Introduction
II. NCOG Protocol 5C81
III. NCOG Protocol 5C91
IV. Discussion
VII. Pulmonary Toxicity
20. Pulmonary Toxicity of Bleomycin
I. Incidence and Risk Factors
II. Clinical Features
III. Pathogenesis and Histopathology
IV. Clinical Management
V. Future Directions
VIII. Other Uses
21. Bleomycin: The Search for Other Indications
I. Single-Agent Activity of Bleomycin
II. Squamous-Cell Carcinomas
III. Primary Brain Tumors
IV. Superficial Bladder Tumors
V. Kaposi's Sarcoma
VI. Intracavitary Therapy
VII. Recommendations for Future Studies
VIII. Bleomycin in Combination Therapy
IX. New Bleomycins
22. Peplomycin and Tallysomycin S10b: Two Bleomycin Analogs
I. Introduction
II. Chemistry
III. Antitumor Screening Activity
IV. Mechanisms of Action
V. Preclinical Toxicology
VI. Pharmacology
VII. Clinical Studies
VIII. Conclusion
23. New Analogs and Derivatives of Bleomycin
I. Total Synthesis of Bleomycin and Preparation of Bleomycin Analogs
II. Preparation of New Bleomycins and Their Derivatives
III. Screening of Derivatives for Clinical Study
IV. Liblomycin
X. Summary and Prospects
24. Bleomycin: Future Prospects
I. Introduction
II. Combination Chemotherapy
III. Bleomycin and Radiotherapy
IV. Future Directions
V. Summary
25. Bleomycin in Chemotherapy: Summary and Closing Remarks
I. Chemistry
II. Pharmacokinetics
III. Toxicity
IV. Antitumor Activity
V. Future Considerations
VI. Summary
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