Biblical quotations in old English prose writers
edited with the Vulgate and other Latin originals introduction on old English Biblical versions, index of Biblical passages, and index of principal words by Albert S. Cook
Folcroft Library Editions, 1971
Yale bicentennial publications
1st ser934.034/C87b/1140521,
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文英文 [1st ser.]930.2||C40535021 Reprint. Originally published (1st ser.): London : Macmillan, 1898; (2nd ser.): New York : Scribner, 1903, in serires: Yale bicentennial publications Statement of responsibility of 2nd series: edited with the Latin originals index of Biblical passages, and index of principal words by Albert S. Cook Includes bibliographical references and index "First series" appeares on spineこの図書・雑誌をさがす