A dictionary of the Kāshmīrī language : compiled partly from materials left by the late Paṇḍit Īśvara Kaula
by George A. Grierson ; assisted by Mahāmahôpâdhyāya Mukundarāma Śāstrī, of Śrīnagar
(Bibliotheca indica, Work no. 229)
B.R. Publishing Corp , Distributed by D. K. Publishers' Distributors, 1916-1932
v. 1491.499||Gr||120000550168,
v. 1829.82||5||190003134518, 関西学院大学 図書館 上ケ原 v. 1413.9:57:10096607817, v. 1参考/829.8/GriC860237228,
v. 1829.8||1||33T0316084*,