Advances in science and technology in the USSR
Mir Publishers
Advances in Science and Technology
A.Ya. Karasik, B.S. Rinkevichius, and V.A. Zubov ; edited by B.S. Rinkevichius ; translated from the Russian by P.S. Ivanov
Mir Publishers , CRC Press 1995 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
S.V. Emelyanov, S.K. Korovin, and I.G. Mamedov ; edited by S.V. Emelyanov ; translated from the Russia by B.V. Rassadin
Mir Publishers , CRC Press 1995 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
Natalya A. Titayeva ; translated from the Russian by G. Egorov
Mir , CRC Press c1994 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
V.V. Dobrovolsky ; translated from the Russian by B.V. Rassadin ; translation edited by Hansford T. Shacklette
Mir Publishers , CRC Press 1994 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
Alexander G. Grigoryants ; translated from the Russian by P.S. Ivanov
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1994 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Technology series
N.V. Karlov ; translated from the Russian by Eugene Yankovsky
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1993 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
V. Shangin and P. Timofeev ; translated from the Russian by O. Belonogova
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1992 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Technology series
edited by I. Fedorov ; translated from the Russian by M. Edelev
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1992 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Technology series
V.G. Feklichev ; translated from the Russian by B.V. Rassadin
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1992 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
Leo M. Rabinovich ; translated from the Russian by B. Rassadin
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1992 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Chemistry series
S.N. Fyodorov, V. YA. Kishkina, and A.D. Semenov ; translated from the Russian by Elena Koltsova
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1992 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Medical series
edited by A.A. Dorodnicyn and P.I. Chushkin ; translated from the Russian by Ram Wadhwa
Mir , CRC c1992 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
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Yu.K. Tovbin ; translated from the Russian by G. Leib
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1991 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Chemistry series
K. Frolov, I. Goncharevich ; translated from the Russian by V. Kolykhmatov
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1991 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Technology series
edited by G.G. Chernyi and S.A. Regirer
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1990 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Mathematics and mechanics series
edited by Kh.M. Minachev and E.S. Shpiro ; translated from the Russian by G. Leib
Mir Publishers , CRC Press c1990 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Chemistry series
edited by B. Naumov
MIR Publishers , CRC Press 1990 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Technology series
edited by E.V. Ametistov /[translated from the Russian by Michael G. Edelev]
Mir Publishers 1989 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Technology series
edited by A. N. Pudovik, translated from the Russian by S. K. Sarkar
MIR 1989 Advances in science and technology in the USSR
edited by Zh.I. Alferov ; [translated from the Russian by Eugene Yankovsky
Mir Publishers c1989 Advances in science and technology in the USSR . Physics series