Physiological researches on life and death . Outlines of phrenology . Phrenology examined
Xavier Bichat . Johann Gasper Spurzheim . Pierre Flourens
(Significant contributions to the history of psychology, 1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson, series E . Physiological psychology ; vol. 2)
University Publications of America, c1978
Outlines of phrenology : being also a manual of reference for the marked bust
140.8||SI 3||E-228800304
名古屋大学 附属図書館 中央図4F 140.2||Si40693335
00298511 "Translated from the French by F. Gold ; with notes by F. Magendie ; the note translated by George Hayward"--Original t.p. of 1st work "Outlines of phrenology : being also a manual of reference for the marked bust"--Original t.p. of 2nd work "Translated from the second edition of 1845, by Charled de Lucena Meigs"--Original t.p. of 3rd work Reprint (1st work). Originally published: Boston : Richardson and Lord, 1827 Reprint (2nd work). Originally published: Boston : Marsh, Capan and Lyon, 1832 Reprint (3rd work). Originally published: Philadelphia : Hogan & Thompson, 1846 edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America
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