"The comparative psychology of man" . Last words on evolution . Contributions to the study of the behavior of lower organisms
Herbert Spencer . Ernst Haeckel . Herbert S. Jennings
(Significant contributions to the history of psychology, 1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson, series D . Comparative psychology ; vol. 3)
University Publications of America, c1977
Last words on evolution; a popular retrospect and summary
140.8||SI 3||D-328800301
名古屋大学 附属図書館 中央図4F 140.2||Si40693332
00298516 "Last words on evolution; a popular retrospect and summary / by Ernst Haeckel ; translated from the second edition by Joseph McCabe. With portrait and three plates"--Original t.p. of 2nd work First work reprint from Mind, 1, 1876, p. 7-20 Reprint (2nd work). Originally published: London : A. Owen & Co., 1906 Reprint (3rd work). Originally published: Washington : Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1904 Bibliography: p. 253-256 of 3rd work edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America
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