How Gertrude teaches her children ; Pestalozzi's educational writings
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ; edited with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
(Significant contributions to the history of psychology, 1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson, series B . Psychometrics and educational psychology ; vol. 2)
University Publications of America, c1977
How Gertrude teaches her children : an attempt to help mothers to teach their own children and an account of the method : a report to the society of the friends of education, Burgdorf
Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder Lehrt
140.8||SI 3||B-228800291
名古屋大学 教育発達科学 図書室 教育洋書 140.2||Sig||240615635
名古屋大学 附属図書館 中央図4F 140.2||Si40693322
00298502 "How Gertrude teaches her children : an attempt to help mothers to teach their own children and an account of the method : a report to the society of the friends of education, Burgdorf / by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ; translated by Lucy E. Holland and Francis C. Turner, and edited with introduction and notes by Ebenezer Cooke"--Original t.p of 1st work "Pestalozzi's educational writings / edited by J.A. Green, with the assistance of Frances A. Collie"--Original t.p of 2nd work Reprint (1st works). Originally published: 2nd ed. Syracuse, N.Y. : C.W. Bardeen, 1898 Reprint (2nd works). Originally published: New York : Longman, 1912 (Educational classics) Includes index (both works) edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America
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