Over the last ten years, quantum field theory and statistical mechanics have undergone quick and parellel developments characterized by the emergence of new ideas and the use of common concepts and methods. In particular, the renormalization group ideas have been successfully applied to the study of critical behaviour in quantum field theories. Simultaneously, the flourishing of gauge theories has produced a complete renewal in the theory of elementary particles. In view of this burst of ideas and new results, this Les Houches summer school was organised and open to physicists working in the domains of field theory, particle physics, condensed matter and neighbouring fields. The resulting proceedings provide an up-to-date review of the important developments in these fields.
Courses: 1. Field theories and phase transitions (S.H. Shenker). 2. The principles of instanton calculus: a few applications (J. Zinn-Justin). 3. Perturbative approach to surface fluctuations (D.J. Wallace). 4. Chiral symmetry and chiral symmetry breaking (M.E. Peskin). 5. A review of the lattice gauge theory approach to quantum chromodynamics, 1982 (J.B. Kogut). Seminars: Random lattice field theory (T.D. Lee). Continuum limit and improved action in lattice theories (K. Symanzik). 6. An introduction to the statistical mechanics of amorphous systems (G. Parisi). 7. Interactions and localization in a disordered electron gas (E. Fradkin). Seminars: Schrodinger representation in renormalizable quantum field theory (K. Symanzik). Fermionic methods and three-dimensional Ising model (C. Itzykson). 8. Integrable models in (1+1)-dimensional quantum field theory (L. Faddeev). 9. Introduction to the Bethe-Ansatz approach in (1+1)-dimensional models (J.H. Lowenstein). 10. Integrability, Duality, Monodromy and the structure of Bethe's Ansatz (H.B. Thacker). Seminar: Structure functions for one-dimensional magnetic systems (J. Honerkamp). 11. Dual resonance models and string in QCD (A. Neveu). Seminar: Introduction to Polyakov's string theory (D. Friedan).
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