Tunneling : proceedings of the Nineteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, Israel, May 5-8, 1986
edited by Joshua Jortner and Bernard Pullman
(The Jerusalem symposia on quantum chemistry and biochemistry, v. 19)
D. Reidel Pub. Co. , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986
431.27||J 3900221852
名古屋大学 工学 図書室 工化学生物 431.19||J40906926
名古屋大学 理学 図書室 理図書 431.19||J39||1941153983
Includes bibliographies and index 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities , D. Reidel : Kluwer Academic Publishers , Academic Press (distributor)
[1969 or 1970]-1995
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