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1974/2 ISBN 9789026807749
The 'Solus' Agreement in English Law and in the Law of the European Communities.- The Development of European Economic Community Antitrust Jurisdiction over Alien Undertakings.- EEC Competition Law after the Brasserie de Haecht II and SABAM Cases.- The Law as It Stands against Treaty Violations by States.
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1994/2 ISBN 9789041100085
This work contains legal papers written in the International Course on European Integration. It covers such areas as market integration and the development of European competition policy to meet new demands, and a single currency for Europe and the Karlsruhe Court.
- Market integration and the development of European competition policy to meet new demands: a study of the control of oligopolistic markets and the concept of a collective dominant position under Article 86 of the EC Treaty
- B.J. Rodger. The intersection of deregulation and competition policy in the United States and Europe
- A.M. Stoepelwerth. Free movements of electricity - third party access and quantitative restrictions
- P.C. Andersen. Solidarity as an objective of the European Union and the European Community
- E.A. Marias. A single currency for Europe and the Karlsruhe Court
- R. Smits. From Maastricht to the Intergovernmental Conference: the challenges facing the Union
- D. O'Keefe. Interim protection under Community law before the national courts. The right to a judge with jurisdiction to grant interim relief
- L. Papadias.
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1995/2 ISBN 9789041102195
This yearbook provides an intellectual forum for the systematic analysis and scientific dissection of issues of international law as they apply to Africa, as well as to Africa's contribution to the progressive development of international law. There is a clear articulation of Africa's views on the various aspects of international law, based on the realities of the continent as well as on Africa's civilization, culture, philosophy and history. Themes examined include: the tensions underlying the state in Africa; territorial integrity; self-determination; ethnic diversity; nation-building; human rights; and democratization.
- Contrary to what has previously been decided - the search for the rule goes on
- the doctrine of direct effect - a malignant disease of community law
- European aspects of data protection - what rights for the citizen?
- citizens of Third World countries - movement and employment of migrant workers within the European Union
- the external competence of the European Community after the ECI opinion 1/94 - towards coherence or diversity?
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1995/1 ISBN 9789041108647
This is a biannual periodical on European law and contains papers written in the International Course in European Integration.
- The Protection of Intellectual Property, International Trade and the European Community - The Impact of the TRIPS Agreement of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- Maastricht's Third Pillar - Load-Bearing or Purely Decorative?
- Environmental Protection and the Single Market - An Unsustainable Development
- Does the EC Treaty Need a Title on the Environment?
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1991/2 ISBN 9789065446176
A half-yearly periodical on European Law of the European Institute of the University of Amsterdam, this law review contains the best legal papers written in the International Course in European Integration. In this issue, five articles discussing a variety of subjects on European Law are included.
- Part 1 Community law and national constitutional values, Bruno de Witte: is supremacy absolute?
- democracy
- national identity
- fundamental rights
- federalism
- linguistic diversity
- any solutions? Part 2 The sphere in which Member States are obliged to comply with the general principles of law and Community Fundamental Rights Principles, John Temple Lang: when Member States are implementing Community rules
- situations regulated by Community law
- the reasons why Member States must comply with the general principles of law and Community Fundamental Rights Principles
- when does the obligation exist?
- is there a broader principle?
- the national authorities and types of powers subject to Community Fundamental Rights Principles
- the importance of Community-wide rules. Part 3 Trade-related environmental measures in the GATT, James H. Mathis: economic overview of environment and trade
- general GATT provisions
- case analysis
- two hypothetical cases. Part 4 The Second Banking Directive - the issue of reciprocity, Maria Dakolias: the First Banking Directive
- the Second Banking Directive
- reciprocity under the Second Banking Directive
- evidence that EC reciprovity is inconsistent with OECD Code of Liberalization of capital movements
- the United States banking system. Part 5 The European political co-operation in the General Assembly of the United Nation - a case study of the Netherlands, Ingeborg J. Thijn: the EPC instruments
- small power behaviour
- Dutch foreign policy objectives
- the Netherlands in the UNGA.
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1992/1 ISBN 9789065446688
A half-yearly periodical on European Law of the European Institute of the University of Amsterdam, this law review contains the best legal papers written in the International Course in European Integration. In this issue, four articles discussing a variety of subjects on European Law are included.
- Part 1 The agreement on the European economic area: early EC-EDTA relations
- the Luxembourg declaration
- the Delors proposal
- negotiation of the EEA agreement
- main features of the agreement
- opinion 1/91
- opinion 1/92
- legal effects of the agreement
- future developments. Part 2 Austria and the EEA: the aims
- Austria's role in the EEA negotiations
- Austrian public opinion on accession to EEA and EC
- means and difficulties of the implementations of Austria's accession to EEA and EC
- material content of the EEA treaty
- structures and dispute settlement
- financial mechanisms
- final clauses. Part 3 Sweden and the EEA: the development of relations between the EEC and Sweden
- the EEA agreements - some fundamental features
- the implementation in Sweden of the EEA agreement
- the interpretation of the EEA agreement, Part 4 Approaching Europe - Swiss prospectives and dilemmas: outline of Swiss EEA negotiating positions
- institutional impact on the Swiss legal system
- impact on politically sensitive areas of Swiss law.
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1992/2 ISBN 9789065447036
A half-yearly periodical on European Law of the European Institute of the University of Amsterdam, this law review contains the best legal papers written in the International Course in European Integration. In this issue, four articles discussing a variety of subjects on European Law are included.
- The 1992 Programme - interaction between legislator and judiciary, Martijn van Empel
- interactions between the lawmaker and judiciary within the EC, Dominique Berlin
- EC merger control - competition policy or industrial policy?, James T. Halverson
- copyright in the European Community, Trevor M. Cook.
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1993/1 ISBN 9789065447227
This text covers EC law and the doctrine of divisable sovereignty, recent developments in the area of the interface between antidumping and competition in the EC, quality regulation on professional health care practice in the EC, combating indirect discrimination in EC law context and fundamental rights in the EC after Maastricht.
- Part 1 Community law and the doctrine of divisible sovereignty, Daniela Obradovic: introduction - the notion of community constitutional law
- the main aspects of the doctrine of divisible sovereignty
- the transfer of sovereignty
- the limitation of sovereignty
- subsidiarity in the light of the theory of divisible sovereignty
- "Constitutionalization" of community law and sovereignty. Part 2 Recent developments in the area of the interface between anti-dumping and competition in the EEC, P. Vandoren: community anti-dumping investigations and alleged infringements of community competition rules
- community anti-dumping investigations and competition considerations
- anti-dumping aspects in community competition procedures
- the acceptance of price undertakings and competition arguments
- the relationship between anti-dumping and competition policy in general. Part 3 Quality regulation on professional health care practice in the European community - some aspects of the interrelationship between community law, national law and self-regulation, A.C. Oosterman-Meulenbeld: self-regulation, national law and community law on the quality of professional health care
- directives on health care professionals
- access to health care practice
- actual health care practice
- patient's rights
- the interrelationship between community law, national law and self-regulation. Part 4 Combatting indirect discrimination in community law context, Sacha Prechal: introduction - why community law context?
- defining indirect discrimination - the test of the court of justice
- the separate elements of the test
- towards a more efficient use of the article 177 procedure
- the claim is successful - the consequences
- whom does the prohibition of indirect discrimination address?. Part 5 Fundamental rights in the European community after Maastricht, Lars Bando Krogsgaard: fundamental rights - concept and evolution, the implications of Maastricht.
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1993/2 ISBN 9789065447944
This text considers removing barriers to market entry in the air transport industry, EC competition law and the protection of the environment, disguised contributions in kind and extra-terrestrial effects in the application of EC legislation on public procurement.
- Removing barriers to market entry in the air transport industry - the application of EC competition rules, M.A. Johnson
- EC competition law and the protection of the environment, R. Jacobs
- disguised contributions in kind - the European Court refuses a preliminary ruling on hypothetical questions, F. Wooldridge
- extra-terrestrial effects in the application of EC legislation on public procurement, C. Bovis
- predatory pricing literature under European competition law - the AKZO case, L.M.H. Martinez.
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1994/1 ISBN 9789065448576
This bi-annual periodical on European law contains legal papers in the International Course in European Integration.
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