Photosynthesis, two centuries after its discovery by Joseph Priestley : Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Stresa, June 24-29, 1971
Ed. by Giorgio Forti, Mordhay Avron and Andrea Melandri
Junk, 1972
金沢大学 附属図書館 自然図自動書庫
[1]464||I 57||1||書庫2186912,
国立科学博物館 書庫 [3]471.4/P94/22500006227
[1]470.6||F1||1-1A0046038, Sponsored by the Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Italia and the Istituto lombardo accademia di scienze e lettere, Milano, Italia Includes bibliographies
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