There are few edited volumes on interpersonal communication that have the breadth of focus of Interpersonal Processes. Divided into three broad sections, this interdisciplinary work covers functions of interpersonal communication, interaction phenomena and relationships.
Interpersonal Processes updates the classic Explorations in Interpersonal Communication (SAGE 1976). Original contributors have revised their chapters and, together with other scholars, provide new insights and recognise the emergence of new research areas.
Editors' Introduction - Michael E Roloff and Gerald R Miller
Communication and Reciprocity Within Intimate Relationships - Michael E Roloff
Communicating Under Uncertainty - Charles R Berger
The Self-Concept and Interpersonal Communication - George J McCall
Emotion and Interpersonal Communication - Ellen Berscheid
MBRS Rekindled - Gerald R Miller et al
Some Thoughts on Compliance Gaining in Interpersonal Settings
Relational Dimensions of Interpersonal Dynamics - Frank E Millar and L Edna Rogers
Conflict as a Social Skill - Alan L Sillars and Judith Weisberg
Self-Disclosure and Relationship Development - Valerian J Derlega et al
An Attributional Analysis
Information Exchange in Social Interaction - Kathy Kellermann
Analyzing Interpersonal Interaction - Marshall Scott Poole, Joseph P Folger and Dean E Hewes
Communication in Interpersonal Relationships - Dalmas A Taylor and Irwin Altman
Social Penetration Processes
How to Lose Friends Without Influencing People - Steve Duck
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