This is the third book to be written by Evans which is part of a continuing series of books to be published in Software Engineering. It deals with the software development process and the ability to manage that process to attain quality software, while at the same time improving the productivity of software development. The book describes an integrated approach which, when followed, will provide effective software quality assurance in a project management. The contents of the book include many of the new IEEE standards and initiatives, which will be required by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense will change within a year many Software Production and Quality initiatives. This book addresses the implications of these on software development.
- Software Quality: Introduction to Life Cycle Activities
- The Software Project Infrastructure
- Planning for Software Quality
- Quality Evaluation of the Software Development Process
- Software Process Metrics
- Software Product Quality
- Software Quality Metrics
- Project Data: Management, Production and Control
- Quality Evaluation Techniques: The Tools of the Trade
- Organization and Personnel.
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