The IUTAM Symposium on Boundary-Layer Separation, suggested by the UK National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and supported by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, was held at University College London on August 26-28, 1986. The proposed theme and scope of the Symposium were designed to help to bring about the necessary interaction between experimentalists, computationalists and theoreticians for the furthering of understanding in this challenging subject. The talks and discussions were aimed at representing the very wide range and application of separating-flow phenomena, which often substantially affect the whole of fluid dynamics at medium to large Reynolds numbers, covering in particular both laminar and turbulent flow, steady or unsteady, two- or three-dimensional, small- or large-scale, incompressible or compressible, external or internal, from the experimental, computational and theoretical standpoints. It was intended that about 80 scientists would participate in the Symposium, with about 25 talks being delivered, to which poster sessions with 8 contributions were added subsequently.
All the speakers and poster presenters were selected by the scientific committee, although two late replacements of speakers were required. Fruitful discussions, well led by the session chairmen, took place formally after each talk and after the poster sessions and informally on other occasions including the social events. The present proceedings of the Symposium appear to reflect much of the current state of experimental, computational and theoretical work and progress in boundary-layer separation. We hope that they provide also ideas, questions and stimulation, in addition to major recent developments.
Session 1.- Steady viscous flow past a cylinder and a sphere at high Reynolds numbers.- Prediction of buffeting and calculation of unsteady boundary layer separation over airfoils.- Observation of three-dimensional "separation" in shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions.- Structure of flow in leading-edge separation bubbles.- Computation of unsteady separation using Lagrangian procedures.- Session 2.- On turbulent boundary-layer separation.- Three-dimensional supersonic separation.- Experiments on hydrodynamic instability of boundary layers with separation.- Separation of flow in a two-dimensional channel.- Session 3.- The Brillouin - Villat condition in the theory of separation.- Velocity profiles for two dimensional turbulent separated flows.- Analysis of three-dimensional separated flow using interacting boundary-layer theory.- A review of two-dimensional turbulent separated flow calculation methods.- A new interacting boundary-layer formulation for flows past bluff bodies.- Session 4.- A new asymptotic theory of turbulent boundary layers and the turbulent Goldstein problem.- Vortex formation in unsteady flow near a moving wall.- Simulation of separated flow past a bluff body using Navier-Stokes equations.- Some features of the transcritical boundary layer interaction and separation.- Session 5.- Unsteady triple-deck flows leading to instabilities.- Interrelation of the flow separation, stability and coherent structures.- Separation and reattachment near the leading edge of a thin wing.- Simulation of three-dimensional boundary-layer separation.- Separating flow: small-scale, large-scale, and nonlinear unsteady effects.- Session 6.- Breakdown of steady and unsteady interacting boundary layers.- Asymptotic separation from slender cones at incidence.- Poster Session.- Experimental investigation of topological structures in three-dimensional separated flow.- Experimental investigation of three-dimensional separation on ellipsoid bodies at incidence.- Three-dimensional separated flow structures.- Asymptotic theory of high Reynolds number turbulent flows.- Nonuniqueness of triple-deck solutions for axisymmetric supersonic flow with separation.- The dynamic interaction between dune shape, flow field and sediment motion.- Structure of confined wakes behind a circular cylinder.- Low-Rossby-number flow past a circular cylinder in a rotating frame.- Closing of The Symposium.- Closing remarks.
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