Symposium held on 14-16 October 1966, sponsored by the Conference on British Studies in conjunction with the University of Delaware and the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum
Bibliography: p. 152-168
Includes index
Political man / by J.H. Plumb
Man's economic status / by J. Viner
The churchman / by G.R. Cragg
The artist / by R. Wittkower
The composer / by P.H. Lang
The writer / by B.H. Bronson
Commentary summarised / by J.L. Clifford
The papers in this collection were presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference on British Studies at the University of Delaware. Six leading experts on different aspects of eighteenth-century Britain wrote on a general theme which cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries. This theme is the lot of the ordinary individual in eighteenth-century society. This collection provides a wealth of information and valuable insights for the scholar of eighteenth-century Britain.