The state of the world's children


The state of the world's children

James P. Grant

Oxford University Press for UNICEF, 1980-

  • 1980
  • 1981-1982
  • 1982-83
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1985 : pt. 1
  • 1986 : cloth
  • 1986 : pbk.
  • 1987
  • 1988
  • 1989
  • 1990
  • 1991
  • 1992
  • 1993
  • 1994
  • 1995
  • 1996
  • 1997
  • 1998
  • 1999
  • 2000
  • 2001
  • 2002
  • 2003
  • 2005
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 161



2000, 2006- published by: New York : UNICEF

1999 has subtitle on cover: Education

2001 has subtitle on cover: Early childhood

2002 has subtitle on cover: Leadership

2003 has subtitle on spine: child participation

2005 has subtitle on cover: Childhood under threat

2006 has subtitle on cover: Excluded and invisible

2007 has subtitle on cover: Women and children : the double dividend of gender equality

2008 has subtitle on cover: Child survival

2009 has subtitle on cover: Maternal and newborn health

2011 has subtitle on cover: Adolescence : an age of opportunity

2012 has subtitle on cover: Children in an urban world

2013 has subtitle on cover: Children with disabilities

2014 has subtitle on cover: Every child counts : Revealing disparities, advancing children's rights

2014 size is ×ばつ28 cm

1999: Carol Bellamy, executive director, United Nations Children's Fund



1988 ISBN 9780192617231


The overall theme of the 1988 State of the World's Children report from the United Nations Children's Fund is 'the knowledge road to health'. Its central idea is that the greatest potential for advances in human health at the present time lies not in new medical or scientific discoveries but in using today's communications to put already existing knowledge at the disposal of the majority of the world's people. While the main text of the report, illustrated throughout by original colour diagrams, carries the leading strands of this argument, inset panels provide practical examples from many nations, showing the achievements, failures, and lessons learnt in the attempts to give people the knowledge to take more control over their own and their families' health. Finally, the report includes a comprehensive statistical section with all-nation figures on nutrition, health, education, population, and economic progress. In keeping with the central message of The State of the World's Children report, these statistical tables list the nations of the world in order of their child survival rates. Everyone concerned with developmental issues and particularly those interested in children.

1989 ISBN 9780192618276


This 1989 report from the Executive Director of UNICEF looks at some of the great social achievements of the 1980s which are now saving the lives of at least 2 million young children each year. However, the report states that this rate of progress is now threatened by the reversal of economic development in large areas of the Third World. In the 37 poorest nations, for example, spending per head on health has been cut by 50% and education by 25% in the last few years prior to 1989. The report calls for action on debt-reduction, trade and aid, to restore the momentum of development and to help the industrialized world itself return to healthy economic growth. UNICEF notes that the kind of development that the developing world most seeks is also the kind of development which the majority in the industrialized world would most support. In the 1990s, UNICEF states that a real development pact between industrialized and developing nations is needed to focus on food and nutrition, water and sanitation, health care and primary education. The report concludes that with such a commitment, the knowledge and experience gained over the last few decades could convert relatively small increases in development resources into some of the greatest advances in human well-being of this or any other century. This report should be of value to everyone concerned with developmental issues.

1990 ISBN 9780192619273


"The State of the World's Children 1990" report from the Executive Director of UNICEF will be addressed directly to the Heads of State participating in the Summit Meeting for Children which, it is hoped, will be held early in 1990. Part I of the report deals with three themes: child survival and development, the convention on the rights of the child and the need to maintain a human face on the processes of economic adjustment which face almost all nations, rich and poor, in the decade ahead. Part II of the report consists of a series of brief advocacy essays on five separate topics: primary health care, basic education for all, improving child nutrition, measuring human development and the ever-present question of how changes in child survival rates relate to population growth. The report is aimed at all those concerned with developmental issues and particularly those interested in children.

1991 ISBN 9780192620866


On 30th September 1990, the World Summit for Children brought together the largest gathering of Presidents and Prime Ministers in history. The outcome was a promise to the children of the 1990s to end child deaths and child malnutrition on today's scale by the year 2000, and to provide basic protection for the normal physical and mental development of all the world's children. The Declaration and Plan of Action adopted by the Summit is published with this year's State of the World's Children report, as is the full text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The report's panels describe all 22 of the specific goals for the year 2000 and show why they are now attainable and affordable.

1992 ISBN 9780192622280


The UNICEF report on the state of the world's children is published annually in over 30 languages. It is distributed to all media in all countries at the end of December each year and has become both a record and a catalyst of the movement to promote the kind of development which most benefits today's children - and tomorrow's world. The 1992 report describes what it would take and what it would cost to meet the basic needs of all the world's children - for food and water, health care and education - by the end of the century. Following the 1990 World Summit for Children, at which a gathering of heads of state promised a new deal for children in the decade ahead, the report sets out the action now needed, by governments and peoples of both rich and poor nations, if that promise is to be kept.

1993 ISBN 9780192623867


An annual publication which highlights the problems faced by children, provides information for the world's policy makers and fund holders, and puts forward strategies for improvement and suggestions for attainable goals.

1994 ISBN 9780192624840


The State of the World's Children is an annual UNICEF publication which highlights the problems faced by children in developing countries. It looks at recent progress in health, nutrition, and education in the context of the broader problems of poverty, population growth, and environmental deteriorations, providing information and strategies for policy makers and fund holders. The State of the World's Children report is published in 40 languages and distributed to all governments and media all over the world. It is the most widely known and quoted of all UN reports. Everyone who is concerned with the international conditions of child health will want a copy.

1995 ISBN 9780192626424


The State of the World's Children is an annual publication which highlights the problems faced by children, provides information for the world's policy makers and fund holders, and puts forward strategies for improvement and suggestions for attainable goals. This book is intended for everyone concerned with child health worldwide, especially policymakers and fund holders.


  • 1. Human development in practice
  • 2. A strategy for action
  • 3. Completing a revolution

1996 ISBN 9780192627476


UNICEF's 1996 State of the World's Children report, marking the organization's 50th anniversary, examines the plight of children caught in the crossfire of armed conflicts or propelled into the savagery as combatants. It also reflects on the long-term toll taken on the young by wars fought most frequently in impoverished societies least able to rebuild shattered economies and lives. This report, a celebrated voice which highlights the pressing problems of children and offers solutions to them, is one of the best known and most widely read of all United Nations publications. It is published annually in some 40 languages and distributed to readers and the media in over 150 countriee at the end of December each year.


  • 1. Human development in practice
  • 2. A strategy for action
  • 3. Completing a revolution

1997 ISBN 9780192628718


The State of the World's Children is an annual publication which highlights the problems faced by children, provides information for the world's policy makers and fund holders, and puts forward strategies for improvement and suggestions for attainable goals.


  • 1. A new era for children
  • 2. Children at risk: Ending hazardous and exploitive child labour
  • 3. Statistical tables

1982-83 ISBN 9780198284642


This annual report by UNICEF examines three key factors that determine whether a child will thrive and develop: access to food; access to basic health services; caring practices. It explores low-cost measures that can be taken to improve a childs quality of life, and puts forward a plan to alleviate some of the effects of childhood malnutrition.

1984 ISBN 9780198284895


This annual report by UNICEF examines three key factors that determine whether a child will thrive and develop: access to food; access to basic health services; caring practices. It explores low-cost measures that can be taken to improve a childs quality of life, and puts forward a plan to alleviate some of the effects of childhood malnutrition.

1985 ISBN 9780198284963


This annual report by UNICEF examines three key factors that determine whether a child will thrive and develop: access to food; access to basic health services; caring practices. It explores low-cost measures that can be taken to improve a childs quality of life, and puts forward a plan to alleviate some of the effects of childhood malnutrition.

1985 : pt. 1 ISBN 9780198284970


This annual report by UNICEF examines three key factors that determine whether a child will thrive and develop: access to food; access to basic health services; caring practices. It explores low-cost measures that can be taken to improve a childs quality of life, and puts forward a plan to alleviate some of the effects of childhood malnutrition.

1986 : cloth ISBN 9780198285373


This annual report by UNICEF examines three key factors that determine whether a child will thrive and develop: access to food; access to basic health services; caring practices. It explores low-cost measures that can be taken to improve a childs quality of life, and puts forward a plan to alleviate some of the effects of childhood malnutrition.

1998 ISBN 9780198294016


The 1998 "State of the World's Children" report is about the silent emergency of malnutrition. Arising from the combined onslaught of poverty and preventable diseases, it takes an enormous toll on nearly 200 million children under-five every single day, most of them in the developing world. A child's mental and physical development - and even survival - are at risk. In the long-term, malnutrition has detrimental effects on children, families and ultimately, the social and economic development of nations. In this report, UNICEF looks at the three factors that determine whether a child will thrive and develop, particularly during the first three years of life: access to food; access to basic health services; and caring practices. It explores some of the low-cost measures that can be taken to improve the quality of life of children and their communities. The report argues that efforts to combat malnutrition must include improvements in women's education and status; access to health care; and safe water and sanitation. It also puts forward a plan of action to alleviate some of the effects of childhood malnutrition.

1999 ISBN 9789280633894


The State of the World's Children is an annual publication which highlights the problems faced by children, provides information for the world's policy makers and fund holders, and puts forward strategies for improvement and suggestions for attainable goals.

2000 ISBN 9789280635324


This work seeks to fan the flames that burned so brilliantly at the end of the 1980s, when world leaders adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 and then confirmed their commitments for children and adolescents at the 1990 World Summit for Children. It is a call to leaders in industrialized and developing countries alike to reaffirm their promises for children. It is a call for vision and leadership within families and communities, where respect for the rights of children and women is first born and nurtured and where the protection of those rights begins. And it is a call to all people to realise a new dream within a single generation: a shared vision of children and women - indeed of humankind - freed from poverty and discrimination, freed from violence and disease.

2001 ISBN 9789280636338


What happens during the earliest years of a child's life, from birth to the age of three, influences how the rest of childhood and adolescence unfolds. Drawing from reports the world over, this publication details the daily lives of parents and other caregivers who are striving - in the face of war, poverty and the HIV/AIDS epidemic - to protect the rights and meet the needs of these young children. Key features include country profiles and statistical data for 193 countries and maps to illustrate child and adolescent population, life expectancy,learning and education, child and adolescents at special risk, rich world, poor world, and unstable environments.

2002 ISBN 9789280636673


The theme of leadership in this publication is related to the role of governments and international institutions in protecting the well being of children. It is in three sections; the first "birth and broken promises", contrasts the reality of the life of a child born eleven years ago with the promises made at the World Summit for Children, held in New York in 1990. The section, "to change the world with children", looks at the way UNICEF has called attention to the plight of children. The last section, "actions that can change the world", concludes that investing in children is the best investment a country can make and that no country has made a leap to sustainable development without investing significantly in its children.

2005 ISBN 9789280638172


The 2005 edition of UNICEFs annual report examines the key issues which threaten the welfare of children around the world, using the concept of childhood as the state and condition of a childs life. The Convention of the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, offers a new definition of childhood based on human rights; yet for hundred of millions of children the promise of childhood is threatened by poverty, armed conflict and HIV/AIDS threaten their survival and development. The report examines these three major threats in detail, and offers a comprehensive agenda of action to combat them. It concludes by calling on all stakeholders, including governments, donors, international agencies and communities to reaffirm and recommit to their moral and legal responsibilities to children.

2006 ISBN 9789280639162


The 2006 edition of UNICEF's annual report focuses on the millions of children who are most in need of access to essential education, health and protection services, but who are also the hardest to reach and often overlooked by current development programmes. These include children living in the poorest countries and most deprived communities within countries, children who face discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity or disability, children caught up in armed conflicts or affected by HIV/AIDS, children who lack a formal identity and who suffer from abuse and exploitation. The report examines the factors which result in their exclusion from current child development programmes and services, and highlights the policy options and actions required to address these challenges, in order to ensure all children benefit from the progress being made to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Topics discussed include: income disparities and child survival, the marginalisation of Roma communities and their children, disability issues, children and HIV/AIDS, children living on the streets, early marriages, child labour, child protection and child rights.

2007 ISBN 9789280639988


Millions of girls and women continue to live in poverty, disempowered and discriminated against. They are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, less likely to attend school and often subject to physical and sexual violence. In most places, men continue to earn more pay than women for the same jobs. This year's edition of UNICEF's flagship publication, examines the status of women around the world. It concludes that an end to gender discrimination produces the 'double dividend' of benefiting women and children - which, in turn, has a positive impact on the health and development of societies everywhere.

2008 ISBN 9789280641912


The 2008 report examines the state of child survival and primary health care for children, with a strong emphasis on trends in child mortality. It appraises the lessons learned in child survival over the past century. The centrepiece of the report looks at several of the most promising approaches to community partnerships, the continuum of care framework and health to system strengthening for out to comes to to reach those mothers, new borns and children who are currently excluded from essential interventions. By highlighting examples from countries and districts where these have been successful, as well as exploring the main challenges to their expansion, this report offers practical ways to jump to start the progress.

2009 ISBN 9789280643183


The State of the World's Children 2009 examines the current state of maternal and neonatal health, explores the fundamentals of a supportive environment for mothers and newborns, and outlines ways to strengthen efforts in support of primary health care.

2011 ISBN 9789280645552


The State of the World’s Children 2011: Adolescence – An Age of Opportunity examines the global state of adolescents, outlines the challenges they face in health, education, protection and participation, and explores the risks and vulnerabilities of this pivotal stage. The report highlights the singular opportunities that adolescence offers, both for adolescents themselves and for the societies they live in. The accumulated evidence demonstrates that investing in adolescents' second decade is our best hope of breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and inequity and of laying the foundation for a more peaceful, tolerant and equitable world.

2012 ISBN 9789280645972


While cities have long been associated with employment, development and economic growth, hundreds of millions of children in the world's urban areas are growing up amid scarcity and deprivation. This publication presents the hardships these children face as violations of their rights, as well as impediments to fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals. It examines major phenomena shaping the lives of children in urban settings, including migration, economic shocks and acute disaster risk. It also provides examples of efforts to improve the urban realities that children confront and identifies broad policy actions that should be included in any strategy to reach excluded children and foster equity in urban settings driven by disparity.

2013 ISBN 9789280646566


One in every seven children is disabled. Children with disabilities are among the most likely to be marginalized, poor and vulnerable. UNICEF is committed to improving the lives of children, particularly those who face the greatest disadvantages. The report will investigate the web of barriers disabled children face: discrimination, harmful norms and the lack of accurate information. The report will analyse and provide good-practice guidance on: inclusive health and education; prevention; nutrition; protection from violence, exploitation and abuse; emergency response; institutionalization; and the role of appropriate technology and infrastructure

2014 ISBN 9789280647310


This special edition of The State of the World's Children will highlight the critical role data and monitoring play in realising children's rights. With reliable data, analysed and disseminated effectively, monitoring makes it impossible for the denial of rights to go unnoticed. Data do not, of themselves, change the world. They make change possible - by identifying needs, supporting advocacy, gauging progress and holding duty-bearers to account. Making the possible real is up to decision-makers. The essay also calls for greater investment - both in disaggregated data and data on previously uncounted children - so that efforts and initiatives may be better targeted to reach the most excluded. Contains an essay (4,500 words), 14 statistical tables, graphics and photos.

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