The specially commissioned chapters in this book represent the state of the art in the area of trade theory. Their focus is on protection and competition in an open economy as well as in a monopolistic setting. The topics covered include commodity trade, foreign investment, migration and international R and D activities. The book is published in honour of Max Corden.
1. Introduction. Henryk Kierzkowski
2. Protection Policy and the Assignment Role. Peter J.Lloyd
3. Safeguards Policy and the Conservative Social Welfare Function. Alan V.Deardorff
4. Voluntary Export Restrictions versus Import Restrictions. A Welfare-theoretic Comparison. Richard A.Brecher and Jagdish N.Bhagwati
5. Factor Shadow Prices in Distorted Open Economics. Alasdair Smith
6. Industrial Policy and Trade Policy : The Connections. Richard E.Caves
7. International Capital Mobility and the Dutch Disease. Ronald W.Jones, J.Peter Neary and Frances P.Ruane
8. Bundeld International Factor Mobility. Wilfred J.Ethier
9. Tariffs and Subsidies under Oligopoly : The Case of the U.S. Automobile Industry. Avinash Dixit
10. Market Access and Competion in High Technology Industries : A Simulation Exercise. Paul Krugman
11. Product Quallity, Intra-industry Trade and (Im)perfect Competion. Rodney E.Falvey and Henryk Kierzkowski
12. Intermediate Goods, Export Taxation and Resource-based Industrialization. Ronald Findlay
13. The Importance of Economic Policy in Development : Contrasts between Korea and Turkey. Anne O.Krueger
14. GATT Reform : Selected Issues. Robert E.Baldwin
15. The Importance of Frontier Barriers. Richard H.Snape.