At the suggestion of the USSR National Committee of Theo- retical and Applied Mechanios the International Union of Theo- retical and Applied Meohanics made a deoision to organize the Second IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition in No- vosibirsk. Professor Yanenko was entrusted to be the chairman of the scientific committee. It was proposed that about 100 scientists would participate in the Symposium and that 60 lectures and invited lectures would be delivered; as for the theme of the Symposium, it was devoted to experimental and theoretical stu- dies of laminar-turbulent transition in fluids and gases, i.e. the physical problems of transition and mathematical modeling in shear flows. It was planned to lay a special emphasis on fundamental mechanisms of the transition process. The scienti- fio committee approved of the scope of the Symposium having considered the changes in the directions of the stUdies which took place since the First Symposium. For example, there was singled out the problem of transformation of external distur- bances into eigenoscillations of shear flows, i.e. the recep- tivity problem which was only slightly touched upon at the First Symposium.
A new section appeared devoted to the inter- relation of the flow separation phenomenon and its stability. It was planned to focus the attention on the secondary instability at transition to turbulence at the non-linear stage of the flow breakdown as well as on the loss of stability and the disturbances development in 3-D flows.
Session 1.- Resonant interactions in shear flows.- New experimental data on the boundary layer transition.- Secondary instability of plane shear flows-theory and application.- Session 2.- On subharmonic-type laminar-turbulent transition in boundary layer.- Three-dimensional numerical simulation of laminar-turbulent transition and its control by periodic disturbances.- Instability and turbulent bursting in he boundary layer.- Secondary flows in boundary layers and jets.- Poster Session.- On nature of K-breakdown of a laminar boundary layer. New experimental data.- On the issue of the nonlinear theory of the instability waves.- The critical layer and nonlinear waves in the wall flows.- A turbulence model for the numerical simulation of transitional boundary layers.- Characteristic fields of the natural transitional boundary layer.- Causes of vortex bursting in transitional boundary layers.- Experimental investigation of statistical characteristics of velocity fluctuations in natural laminar-turbulent transition.- Session 3.- A non-linear transfer function description of wave growth in a boundary laver.- Development of spatial wave Packets in boundary layer.- Instability wave patterns from harmonic point and line sources in laminar boundary layers.- The growth of instability waves in a slightly nonuniform medium.- Session 4.- Subtransitions in the transition zone.- Control of water boundary layer stability and transition by surface temperature distribution.- Session 5.- Secondary flows in the channels and pipes, their connection to and comparison with turbulent flows.- 3-D wave disturbances in plane Poiseuille flow.- Development of finite-amplitude disturbances in Poiseuille flow.- Threshold regimes in the plane channel flow.- Session 6.- Stability of finite-amplitude autooscillations in Poiseuille flow.- On transition of the pulsatile pipe flow.- On linear 3-D stability of pipe Poiseuille flow.- Formation of vortical particles in inviscid flow.- Poster Session.- Numerical simulation of 2-D and 3-D non stationary viscous fluid flows in a plane channel.- On a bifurcation and emerging of a stochastic solution in a variational problem for Poiseuille flows.- On generation and evolution of waves in a laminar boundary layer.- Tollmien-Schlichting waves excitation on the vibrator and laminar-turbulent transition control.- Excitation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves by acoustic disturbances in a compressible boundary layer.- Acceleration of transition to turbulence in a boundary layer due to the combination effect of sound waves.- Interaction of vortex disturbances and boundary layer on blunt bodies.- Three types of disturbances from the point source in the boundary layer.- Session 7.- The problems of a theoretical description of the transition zone of a laminar boundary layer into a turbulent one.- The receptivity of a laminar boundary layer to external disturbances.- Excitation of instability waves by a vibrator localized in the boundary layer.- Linear problem on vibrator on a flat plate in subsonic boundary layer.- Session 8.- On Tollmien-Schlichting wave generation by sound.- Resonance-induced self-oscillations in fluid with wavy boundary motion.- The control of the three-D disturbances development in the transitional boundary layer.- Session 9.- Stability and separation of viscous flows.- Interrelation of the flow separation and stability.- Development of vortical disturbances in flow with laminar separation.- Session 10.- The study of shear layer stability by the method of vortex particles method.- The effect of external fields on transition to turbulence in free shear flows.- The mixing layer forced by fundamental and subharmonic.- Experiments on nonlinear interactions in wake transition.- Session 11.- Experimental investigation of a laminar-turbulent transition in free and semi-limited jet flow.- Stochastic behaviour of velocity profiles leading to shear flow turbulence.- Supercritical regimes in axisymmetric submerged jets.- Session 12.- Generation of crossflow vortices in a Yeats L. G. 3-D flat-plate flow.- Nonlinear interaction of streamwise vortices in non-parallel boundary layers on concave surfaces.- Generation, development and distortion of longitudinal vortices in boundary layers along concave and flat plates.- Stability calculations and transition criteria on 2- or 3-D flows.- Session 13.- Stability calculations of the 3-D boundary layer flow on a rotating disk.- An analysis of wave interactions in swept-wing flows.- On some transition processes in 3-D shear flows.- Poster Session.- Stability of thin viscous shock layer on a wedge in hypesonic flow of a perfect gas.- The effect of cooling on the supersonic boundary laver stability and transition.- Interconnectionship between the flow separation and the direct and inverse transition at supersonic speed conditions.- The influence of the outflow generated vortex structures on the boundary layer characteristics.- On the reverse transition of compressible turbulent boundary layer in a transverse flow around a convex corner configuration.- Supersonic boundary layer transition in the presence of shock effect.- Density pulsation and laminar-turbulent transition in the mixing layer of supersonic jets.- Transformation of external disturbances into eiaenoscillations in supersonic unbalanced jets.- Transition at natural conditions and comparison with the results of wind tunnel studies.- On the problem of transition of a compressible laminar boundary layer into turbulent one under natural conditions.- Session 14.- Experimental and theoretical studies of boundary layer transition on a swept infinite wing 553.- Effect of curvature on cross-flow in stability.- Spiral vortices in boundary-layer transition on a rotating cone.- Session 15.- On the development of disturbances in nonparallel supersonic flows.- Effects of nozzle design parameters on the extent of quiet test flow at Mach 3. 5.- Development of artificially excited disturbances in supersonic boundary layer.- Session 16.- The wall shear stress signature of a turbulent spot: Direct measurements and momentum integral calculations.- An experimental study of the structure and spreading of turbulent spots.- Visualization of generation process of a turbulent spot.- Model description of two kinds of organized structures dominating in turbulent shear flows.- Session 17.- On incompressible viscous fluid flow between rotating cylinders.- First bifurcations in circular Couette flow: laboratory and numerical experiments.- Symmetric and asymmetric Taylor vortices in a spherical gap.- Some routes to turbulence in spherical Couette flow.- New secondary instabilities for high Re-number flow between two rotating spheres.- Poster Session.- Stability of unsteady parallel flows by the method of energy.- On a multiarid method for the numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations.- Transition of boundary layer on rotating flat plate.- Quantitative analysis of intermittency phenomenon in the wall region of a turbulent boundary layer.- Model equations simulating unsteady viscous flow.- Resonance instability of the flows with closed streamlines.- On long-wave asymptotic solutions of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation for boundary laver.- On some models of turbulent flow.- Session 18.- Finite-amplitude disturbances and near-threshold instability of hydrodynamic flows.- Structure, characteristics of transition and of turbulence in the thermal convection given by the direct numerical modelling.- Development of disturbances and transition to turbulence at the convection in 2-layer systems.- On some transition processes in spatial flows with a transversal velocity gradient.
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