Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks
Academic Press
Academic Press 1962 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 10 . Quantum theory / edited by D.R. Bates ; v. 3
D.J. Thouless
Academic Press 1961 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 11
W.S.C. Williams
Academic Press 1961 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 12
Academic Press 1961 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 10 . Quantum theory / edited by D.R. Bates ; v. 1
edited by Fay Ajzenberg-Selove
Academic Press 1960 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 9
pt. A , pt. B
Léon Brillouin
Academic Press 1960 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 8
U. Fano, G. Racah
Academic Press 1959 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 4
J. Irving, N. Mullineux
Academic Press 1959 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 6
Karl F. Herzfeld and Theodore A. Litovitz
Academic Press 1959 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 7
Eugene P. Wigner ; translated from the German by J.J. Griffin
Academic Press 1959 Expanded and improved ed Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 5
H. Kopfermann ; English version prepared from the second German edition by E.E. Schneider
Academic Press 1958 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 2
Walter E. Thirring ; translated from the German by J. Bernstein ; with corrections and additions by Walter E. Thirring
Academic Press 1958 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 3
F.H. Field and J.L. Franklin
Academic Press 1957 Pure and applied physics : a series of monographs and textbooks v. 1