Hematopoietic cellular proliferation : an international conference in honor of Eugene P. Cronkite
edited by Victor P. Bond, Pradeep Chandra and Kanti R. Rai
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v.459)
The New York Academy of Sciences, 1985
: cloth00695726
:clothT62998* Based on a conference sponsored by the U. S. Dept. of Energy, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and associated Universities, Inc., held Oct. 6-7, 1983 at Brookhaven National Laboaratory in Upton, N. Y. Includes bibliographies and index.
New York Academy of Sciences
v. 289: Annals index 1960-1974 , v. 331: Annals index 1975-1977 : cloth , v. 351: Annals index 1978-1979 : cloth , v. 372: : paper , v. 391: Annals index 1980-1981 : cloth , v. 400: : paper , v. 449: Annals index 1982/1983 : cloth , v. 520: Annals index 1984/1985 : cloth , v. 566: Annals index 1986/1987 : cloth , v. 566: Annals index 1986/1987 : paper , v. 634: Annals index 1988/1989 : cloth , v. 634: Annals index 1988/1989 : paper , v. 711: Annals index 1990/1991 : cloth , v. 711: Annals index 1990/1991 : paper
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