This comprehensive work covers the whole field of mathematical programming, including linear programming, unconstrained and constrained nonlinear programming, nondifferentiable (or nonsmooth) optimization, integer programming, large scale systems optimization, dynamic programming, and optimization in infinite dimensions. Special emphasis is placed on unifying concepts such as point-to-set maps, saddle points and perturbations functions, duality theory and its extensions. The author's aim is to fill the need for a work of synthesis, broad enough to deal with the whole subject and make a real attempt at unification, by organizing his exposition around a few central concepts and covering a very large set of subjects. In a number of fields he presents a detailed account of the most recent developments; in others he gives an introduction and a starting point for further study. This book will be valuable both as a detailed introduction to the subject of mathematical programming and as a reference tool for students, research workers and practitioners alike.
- Preface
- Foreword
- Notation
- Fundamental Concepts
- Linear Programming
- One-dimensional Optimization
- Nonlinear, Unconstrained Optimization
- Nonlinear Optimization with Constraints
- Nonlinear Constrained Optimization
- Integer Programming
- Solution of Large-scale Programming Problems: Generalized Linear Programming and Decomposition Techniques
- Dynamic Programming
- Optimization in Infinite Dimension and Applications
- References
- Appendices
- Index.
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