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Vol. 6 ISBN 9780471800507
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past 20 years. After the initial volume (A to Amorphous Polymers), 16 more volumes have been published, four in each calendar year, 1985 through 1988, and a supplement and an index volume were published in the first half of 1989. Each volume contains approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects have been introduced in the new edition. Coverage includes natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There is a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, Robotics and Composites. All computer topics in the second edition are new.
- Electrochemical Initiation
- Electrodes, Polymer-Modified
- Electromagnetic Interference
- Electron Diffraction
- Electronics Applications
- Electron Microscopy
- Electron-Spin Resonance
- Electron-Transfer Polymers
- Electro- Optical Applications
- Electrophoresis
- Embedding
- Emulsion Polymerization
- Energy Applications
- Energy Conservation
- Energy Transfer
- Engineering Fibers
- Engineering Plastics
- Enzymes
- Enzymes, Immobilized
- Epitaxial Processes
- 1,2-Epoxide Polymers
- Epoxy Resins
- Ethylene Polymers
- Ethylene-Propylene Elastomers
- Ethylenesulfonic Acid Polymers
- Extrusion.
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Vol. 7 ISBN 9780471806493
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past 20 years. After the initial volume, 16 more volumes have been published, with a supplement and an index volume. Each volume contains approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3,000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects have been introduced in the new edition. Coverage includes natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There is a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, robotics and composites. All computer topics in the second edition are totally new.
- Heat-Resistant Polymers
- Heat Transfer
- Helix-Coil Transitions
- Hemoglobin
- High Modulus Polymers
- History (of Polymer Science and Engineering)
- Homopolymerization
- Honeycombs
- Hydrocarbon Resins
- Hydrogels
- Hydrogenation
- Impact Resistance
- Industrial Microbiology
- Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- Initiation
- Injection Moulding
- Inorganic Polymers
- Interfacial Polymerization
- Interfacial Properties
- Interpenetrating Polymer Networks
- Ion-Exchange Polymers
- Ionic Polymers
- Isobutylene Polymers
- Isocyanate Polymers
- Isolation Techniques
- Isomerization Polymerization
- Isoprene Polymers
- Keratin
- Ketene Polymers
- Ketone Polymers
- Kinetics of Polymerization
- Ladder and Spiro Polymers
- Laminates
- Latexes
- Leather
- Leatherlike Materials.
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Vol. 8 ISBN 9780471809371
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past 20 years. After the initial volume, 16 more volumes have been published, with a supplement and an index volume. Each volume contains approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3,000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects have been introduced in the new edition. Coverage includes natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There is a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, robotics and composites. All computer topics in the second edition are totally new.
- Heat-Resistant Polymers
- Heat Transfer
- Helix-Coil Transitions
- Hemoglobin
- High Modulus Polymers
- History (of Polymer Science and Engineering)
- Homopolymerization
- Honeycombs
- Hydrocarbon Resins
- Hydrogels
- Hydrogenation
- Impact Resistance
- Industrial Microbiology
- Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- Initiation
- Injection Moulding
- Inorganic Polymers
- Interfacial Polymerization
- Interfacial Properties
- Interpenetrating Polymer Networks
- Ion-Exchange Polymers
- Ionic Polymers
- Isobutylene Polymers
- Isocyanate Polymers
- Isolation Techniques
- Isomerization Polymerization
- Isoprene Polymers
- Keratin
- Ketene Polymers
- Ketone Polymers
- Kinetics of Polymerization
- Ladder and Spiro Polymers
- Laminates
- Latexes
- Leather
- Leatherlike Materials.
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Index, v. 5 to v. 8 ISBN 9780471809418
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past twenty years. A total of 17 volumes were published through 1988. A supplement and an index volume will contains approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3,000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects were introduced in the new edition. Coverage includes natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There is a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, Robotics and Composites. All computer topics in the second edition are totally new.
- Liquid Crystalline Polymers
- Literature of Polymers
- Lithographic Resists
- Living Polymers
- Machining
- Macrocyclic Polymers
- Macromers
- Macromolecular Dynamics
- Maleic and Fumaric Polymers
- Marine Applications
- Market Evaluation
- Mass Spectrometry
- Materials, Selection
- Mechanical Properties
- Mechanochemical Reactions
- Membranes
- Metallizing
- Metal Vapor Synthesis
- Metathesis Polymerization
- Methacrylonitrile Polymers
- Methypentene Polymers
- Microemulsion Polymerization
- Microencapsulation
- Micromechanical Measurements
- Microphase Structure
- Microspheres
- Microstructure
- Mining Applications
- Molecular-Weight Determination
- Monodisperse Polymers
- Monomer.
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Vol. 10 ISBN 9780471809425
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past twenty years. After the initial volume (A to Amorphous Polymers), sixteen more volumes will be published, four in each calendar year, 1985 through 1988. A Supplement and an Index volume will be published in the first half of 1989. Each volume will contain approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3 000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects will be introduced in the new edition. Coverage will include natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There is a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, Robotics and Composites. All computer topics in the second edition are totally new. Volume 10 of Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering carries a dedication and photograph of Paul John Flory as well as a listing of citations of his 364 published works.
- Morphology
- Networks
- Neutron Scattering
- Nitroso Polymers
- Nomenclature
- Nonwoven Fabrics
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Oil-Field Applications
- Olefin-CO Copolymers
- Olefin Fibers
- Olefin Polymers
- Olefin-Sulfur Dioxide Copolymers
- Oligomers
- Optically Active Polymers
- Optical Properties
- Organometallic Polymers
- Orientation
- Orientation Processes
- Osmometry
- Oxetane Polymers
- Oxidative Polymerization
- Packaging Materials
- Paper
- Paper Additives and Resins
- Patents Information
- Pelletizing
- Pentadiene Polymers
- Peroxy Compounds
- Petroleum Additives
- Phase Transformations
- Phenolic Fibers
- Phenolic Resins
- Phosphorus-Containing Polymers
- Photochemistry
- Photoconductive Polymers.
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Vol. 11 ISBN 9780471809432
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past 20 years. After the initial volume, 16 more volumes will be published, four in each calender year, 1985 through 1988. A Supplement and an Index volume will be published in the first half of 1989. Each volume will contain approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects will be introduced in the new edition. Coverage will include natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There will be a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, Robotics and Composites. All computer topics in the second edition will be totally new.
- Photographic Applications
- Photopolymerization
- Phthalocyanine Polymers
- Pipe
- Plant Design
- Plasma Polymerization
- Plastic
- Plasticizers
- Plastics, Processing
- Polyacetals
- Polyalkenamers
- Polyamides
- Polyamides, Aromatic
- Polyamides, Fibers
- Polyamides, Plastics
- Polyamides From Fatty Acids
- Polyamines
- Polyaminotriazoles
- Polyampholytes
- Poly(arylene sulfides)
- Polyazlactones
- Polybenzothiazoles
- Polybenzoxazinones
- Polybithiazoles
- Polybenzoxazinones
- Polybcarbonates
- Polyelectrolyte Complexes
- Polyelectrolytes
- Polyesters
- Polyesters, Aromatic
- Polyesters, Containers
- Polyesters, Elastomeric.
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Vol. 12 ISBN 9780471809449
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past 20 years. There will be 17 volumes in all, plus a supplement and index volume. Each volume will contain approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects will be introduced in the new edition. Coverage will include natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There will be a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, Robotics and Composites. All computer topics in the second edition will be totally new.
- Polyesters, Fibers
- Polyesters, Films
- Polyesters, Thermoplastic
- Polyesters, Unsaturated
- Polyesters, Water-Extended
- Polyesters, Water-Soluble
- Polyetheretherketone
- Polyethers
- Polyhydrazides and Polyoxadiazoles
- Polyimidazole Catalysts
- Polyimidazoles
- Polyimides
- Polyisocyanides
- Polymer
- Polymer Blends
- Polymer Concrete
- Polymer Creep
- Polymerization in Clathrates
- Polymerization Procedures, Industrial
- Polymerization Procedures, Laboratory
- Polymerization, Thermodynamics
- Polymer Modelling
- Polymers as Chemical Reagents
- Polymers, Crystalline
- Polymers from Renewable Resources
- Polynucleotides
- Polypeptides, Properties
- Polypeptides, Synthesis (Solid Phase)
- Polypeptides, Synthesis (Solution)
- Poly (Phenylene-Ethers)
- Polyphosphazenes
- Polypyrroles
- Polyquinolines
- Polyquinoxalines
- Polysaccharides
- Polysaccharides, Synthetic.
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Index, v. 9 to v. 12 ISBN 9780471809456
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past twenty years. There will be seventeen volumes, each containing approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3,000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects will be introduced in the new edition. Coverage will include natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics, and processing. There will be a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, robotics and composites. All computer topics in the second edition will be totally new. A subscription price for this volume is available.
- Polysulfones
- polyureas
- polyurethanes
- positron annihilation
- prepolymer
- pressure effects
- printing-ink vehicles
- processing
- processing, computer control
- processing, modelling
- proliferous polymerization
- propylene polymers
- prosthetic devices
- proteins
- pultrusion
- radiation-induced reactions
- radiation-resistant polymers
- radical polymerization
- radicals
- raman spectroscopy
- raw materials
- rayon. (Part contents).
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Vol. 14 ISBN 9780471809463
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past twenty years. There will be seventeen volumes, each containing approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3 000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects will be introduced in the new edition. Coverage will include natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibres, elastomers, computer topics, and processing. There will be a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, robotics and composites. All computer topics in the second edition will be totally new. A subscription price for this and all volumes of the encyclopedia is available.
- Radiopaque polymers
- reaction-injection molding
- reactions of polymers
- reactor technology
- reinforced plastics
- reinforcement
- release agents
- resin
- rheooptical properties
- rheological measurements
- rheology
- robotics
- rotational molding
- rubber chemicals
- rubber derivatives
- rubber products
- rubber reclaiming
- safety and toxicity
- scattering.
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Vol. 15 ISBN 9780471809470
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past twenty years. There will be seventeen volumes, each containing approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects will be introduced in the new edition. Coverage will include natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics, and processing. There will be a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, Robotics and Composites. All computer topics in the second edition will be totally new. The previous edition of this volume was published in 1972.
- Screw design
- sealants
- sheeting
- sheet molding compounds
- silica and silicates
- silicones
- silk
- size reduction
- solid-state polymerization
- solubility of polymers
- solution polymerization
- solution properties
- specialty polymers
- stabilization
- standardization
- standard polymers
- starch
- statistical mechanics
- statistical thermodynamics
- step-reaction polymerization
- stereoregular polymers
- stereospecific polymerization
- structural foams.
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Suppl., Acid-base interaction to vinyl chloride polymers ISBN 9780471809487
This is a supplement volume to the "Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering", which covers ground from acid-base interactions to vinyl chloride polymers.
- Acid-Base Interactions
- Atomistic Modeling, Polymeric Glasses
- Birefringence
- Coatings
- Colloids
- Computer-Assisted Engineering
- Conductive Plastics
- Controlled Release Technology
- Crystalline Polymers
- Crystalline Kinetics
- Diffusion, Polymer-Polymer
- Elastomers, Synthetic
- Flash Devolatization
- Fractals
- Gel Point
- Ion Implantation
- Leather
- Living Polymer Systems
- Magnetic Polymers
- Miscability
- Mixing
- Model Polymers
- Molds
- Molecular Graphics
- Nondestructive Testing
- Optical Data Storage
- Plasticizers
- Polyanhydrides
- Space Environment Processing
- Surface Modification
- Thermal Analysis
- Transport Properties
- Ultimate Properties
- Vinyl Chloride Polymers.
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Index, Asphaltic materials to processing aids and index to all volumes ISBN 9780471809500
This index contains the contents for Volumes 1-17, and the "Supplement Volume".
- Asphaltic Materials
- Cellophane
- Cosmetic Applications
- Decorating
- Dendritic Polymers
- Diisopropenylbenzene Polymers
- Elastomers, Synthetic
- Inorganic Fibers
- Ladder and Spiro Polymers
- Plant Design
- Polyesters, Mainchain Aromatic
- Polyquinolines
- Processing Aids
- Index to the Encyclopedia.
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Index, v. 13 to v. 16 ISBN 9780471811817
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past 20 years. The 17th volume in a 20 volume set, this reference contains approximately 200 tables and 3000 literature citations. Overall coverage of the set includes natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibres, elastomers, computer topics and processing.
- Vinyl chloride polymers
- vinyl-cycloalkane polymers
- vinylester polymers
- vinyl ether polymers
- vinyl fluoride polymers
- vinylidene chloride polymers
- vinylidene cyanide polymers
- vinylidene fluoride polymers
- vinyl ketone polymers
- vinylplastics
- vinyl polymerization
- vinyl-pyridine polymers
- viscoelasticity
- viscometry
- vulcanization
- vulcanized fibre
- waste treatment
- water-soluble polymers
- water treatment
- weathering
- wire and cable covering
- wood
- wood, polymer-impregnated
- wool
- xanthan
- x-ray diffraction
- xylylene polymers.
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Vol. 16 ISBN 9780471811824
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past twenty years. Coverage includes a 50 percent increase in engineering and processing topics along with an in depth treatment of natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, robotics, composites and such computer topics such as CAD/CAM. The previous edition of this volume was published in 1972.
- Styrene polymers
- sulfur-containing polymers
- supercritical fluids
- surface analysis
- suspension polymerization
- sutures
- technical services
- telechelic polymers
- telomerization
- template polymerization
- test methods
- tetrafluoroethylene polymers
- tetrahydrofuran polymers
- textile resins
- thermal properties
- thermal stresses
- thermodynamic properties
- thermoforming
- thermoplastic polymer
- thermosetting polymer
- tires.
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Vol. 5 ISBN 9780471880981
Entirely rewritten, this multi-volume work has been expanded to reflect the vast changes that have occurred in polymer and plastics technology over the past twenty years. After the initial volume (A to Amorphous Polymers), sixteen more volumes have been published, four in each calendar year, 1985 through 1988. A supplement and an Index volume was published in the first half of 1989. Each volume contains approximately 850 pages, including about 200 tables and 3 000 literature citations. Over 100 new subjects have been introduced in the new edition. Coverage includes natural and synthetic polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, computer topics and processing. There is a 50% increase in pages devoted to engineering and processing, including CAD/CAM, Robotics and Composites. All computer topics in the second edition are new.
- Degradation
- Degree of Polymerization
- Degree of Substitution
- Dental Applications
- Depolymerization
- Design
- Devolatilization
- Dextran
- Diacetylenes
- Die Design
- Dielectric Heating
- Dielectric Relaxation
- Diffusion
- Dilatometry
- Dimensional Stability
- Disposal and Reuse of Plastics
- Drag Reduction
- Drug Applications
- Drying
- Drying Oils
- Dyeing
- Dyes, Macromolecular
- Dynamic-Mechanical Properties
- Education
- Elasticity
- Elastomers, Identification
- Elastomers, Synthetic
- Elastomers, Thermoplastic
- Electrical Applications
- Electrically Conductive Polymers
- Electrical Properties.
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Vol. 4 ISBN 9780471880998
A completely new edition of this standard reference work. Entirely rewritten and expanded to reflect major changes in polymer and plastics techology over the past 20 years, the 19-volume encyclopedia provides articles on materials, processing, applications and engineering methods, c ontributed by more than 1,000 distinguished experts in the field. The Second Edition features more than 100 new subjects and a 50% increase in engineering and processing coverage. Interim indexes appear after every fourth volume.
- Collagen
- Colloids
- Colorants
- Compatibility
- Composites
- Composites, Fabrication
- Composites, Testing
- Composition Board
- Compounding
- Compression and Transfer Molding
- Condensation Polymerization
- Conformation and Configuration
- Constitutive Relations
- Contact Lenses
- Containers
- Coordinate Polymerization
- Coordination Polymers
- Copolymerization
- Copolymers, Alternating
- Cost Analyses
- Cotton
- Coupling Agents
- Crazing
- Creep
- Critical Phenomena
- Cross-Linking
- Cross-Linking, Reversible
- Cryogenic Properties
- Crystalline Polymers
- Crystallinity Determination
- Crystallization Kinetics
- Curing
- Cyclic Imino Ethers, Polymerization
- Cyclopentadiene Polymers
- Cyclopolymerization
- Decorating
- Defects.
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Vol. 2 ISBN 9780471887867
A completely new edition of this standard reference work. Entirely rewritten and expanded to reflect major changes in polymer and plastics technology over the past 20 years, this 17-volume encyclopedia provides articles on materials, processing, applications, and engineering methods, contributed by more than 1000 specialists in the field. The second edition features more than 100 new subjects and a 50% increase in engineering and processing coverage. Interim indexes appear after every fourth volume.
- Aniotic Polymerization
- Annealing
- Antibodies and Antigens
- Antifoaming Agents
- Antioxidants and Antiozonants
- Antistatic Agents
- Automotive Applications
- Azo Compounds
- Azo Polymers
- Barrier Polymers
- Belting
- Biocides
- Biodegradable Polymers
- Biological Activity
- Biomaterials
- Biopolymers
- Birefringence
- Bleaching
- Block Copolymers
- Blowing Agents
- Blow Molding
- Branched Polymers
- Building and Construction Applications
- Bulk Polymerization
- Butadiene Derivatives, Polymeric
- Butadiene Polymers
- Butene Polymers
- Calendering
- Carbon
- Carbon Fibers
- Casein
- Casting
- Catalysts, Polymer-Supported
- Cationic Polymerization.
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Vol. 3 ISBN 9780471887898
A completely new edition of this standard reference work. Entirely rewritten and expanded to reflect major changes in polymer and plastics techology over the past 20 years, the 19-volume encyclopedia provides authoritative articles on materials, processing, applications and engineering methods,in the field. The second edition features more than 100 new subjects and a 50% increase in engineering and processing coverage. Interim indexes appear after every fourth volume.
- Cellular Materials
- Cellulose
- Cellulose, Biosynthesis
- Cellulose, Graft Copolymers
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Cellulose Derivatives
- Cellulose Esters, Inorganic
- Cellulose Esters, Organic
- Cellulose Ethers
- Cement Additives
- Chain-Reaction Polymerization
- Chain Transfer
- Characterization of Polymers
- Charge-Transfer Complexes
- Chelate- Forming Polymers
- Chemical Analysis
- Chemically Resistant Polymers
- Chitin
- Chloroprene Polymers
- Chlorotrifluorethylene Polymers
- Chromatography
- Classification of Polymerization Reactions
- Coating Methods
- Coatings
- Coatings, Electrodeposition
- Cold Forming.
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