Publications mathématiques
Institut des hautes études scientifiques
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS
no. 68510||IY8312901
no. 68410.5||In 7||6889003061
no. 68410.8-I57-6810089312301
東海大学 付属図書館 12 no. 68410.8||P||6801251137
no.68410.8||I57||68064032189018776 No. 14(1962)-, place of publication changes: Bures-sur-Yvette (S.-et.-O.) No. 68: L'Institut des hautes études scientifiques et la rédaction des publications mathématiques dédient ce numéro à René Thom 子書誌あり Publishers vary: Presses Universitaires de France, Springer-Verlag by Pedro Ontaneda . by Sheel Ganatra, John Pardon, and Vivek Shende . by Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine and Bumsig Kim . by Gaëtan Chenevier and Olivier Taïbi
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 131
所蔵館8館 by Søren Galatius, Alexander Kupers, and Oscar Randal-Williams . by Olivier Benoist . by Colin Guillarmou, Rémi Rhodes, and Vincent Vargas . by Anne-Laure Dalibard and Nader Masmoudi . by Christophe Breuil, Eugen Hellmann, and Benjamin Schraen
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 130
所蔵館7館 by Frédéric Campana and Mihai Păun . by Danylo Radchenko and Maryna Viazovska . by Manfred Einsiedler and Elon Lindenstrauss . by O. Dudas, M. Varagnolo, and E. Vasserot . by Bhargav Bhatt, Matthew Morrow, and Peter Scholze
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 129
所蔵館6館 by Tim Austin . by M. Kisin, G. Pappas . by Bhargav Bhatt, Matthew Morrow, Peter Scholze
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 128
所蔵館8館 par Yves André . by Alex Eskin and Maryam Mirzakhani
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 127
所蔵館10館 by Damian Brotbek . by Emmanuel Breuillard ... [et al.] . by Hans-Joachim Hein, Song Sun . by Vincent Beffara, Damien Gayet . by Tristan Rivière . by F. Haiden, L. Katzarkov and M. Kontsevich
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 126
所蔵館8館 by Alexei Borodin, Vadim Gorin, and Alice Guionnet . by Yves Cornulier and Romain Tessera . by F. Janda ... [et al.] . by Sachin Gautam and Valerio Toledano Laredo
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 125
所蔵館9館 by Matt Bainbridge, Philipp Habegger, and Martin Möller . by Karim A. Adiprasito and Raman Sanyal . by Nick Sheridan . by A. Avila, S. Crovisier, and A. Wilkinson
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 124
所蔵館8館 by Roman Bezrukavnikov . by Andrea D'Agnolo and Masaki Kashiwara . by Mohammed Abouzaid, Denis Auroux, and Ludmil Katzarkov . by Caucher Birkar and De-Qi Zhang . by B. Klingler, E. Ullmo, and A. Yafaev . by Christisn Schnell
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 123
所蔵館11館 by Mladen Bestvina, Ken Bromberg, and Koji Fujiwara . by Mark Gross, Paul Hacking and Sean Keel . by Roman Fedorov and Ivan Panin . by Jacob Bedrossian and Nader Masmoudi . by Lawrence Ein and Robert Lazarsfeld . by Julius Ross and David Witt Nyström
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 122
所蔵館12館 by Christian Schnell . by Antonio Avilés and Stevo Todorcevic . by Guido De Philippis and Alessio Figalli . by Kari Astala ... [et al.] . by Tom Bridgeland and Ivan Smith . by L. Charles and J. Marché . by L. Charles and J. Marché . by Tobias Holck Colding, Tom Ilmanen, and William P. Minicozzi II
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 121
所蔵館14館 by Matthew Ballard, David Favero, and Ludmil Katzarkov . by Pierre Baumann, Joel Kamnitzer, and Peter Tingley . by Alex Eskin, Maxim Kontsevich, Anton Zorich . by Bernhard Hanke, Thomas Schick, and Wolfgang Steimle
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 120
所蔵館12館 by Manor Mendel and Assaf Naor . by Arthur Bartels ... [et al.] . by Alessandro Chiodo, Hiroshi Iritani, and Yongbin Ruan . by David Damanik and Michael Goldstein
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 119
所蔵館12館 by Vytautas Paškūnas . by Wolfgang Herfort and Pavel Zalesskii . by Olivier Schiffmann and Eric Vasserot
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 118
所蔵館13館 by Kazuya Kato and Takeshi Saito . by Robert J. Berman ... [et al.] . by Simon Brendle . by Tony Pantev ... [et al.] . by Sergey Gorchinskiy and Dmitri Orlov
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 117
所蔵館14館 by Philip Boalch . by Irina Kurkova and Kilian Raschel . by Emmanuel Breuillard, Ben Green, and Terence Tao . by J. Fasel, R.A. Rao, and R.G. Swan . by Peter Scholze
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 116
所蔵館14館 by Pierre Raphaël and Igor Rodnianski . by Moritz Kerz and Shuji Saito . by Brooke Feigon, Erez Lapid, and Omer Offen . by Caucher Birkar
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 115
所蔵館14館 by A.J. de Jong, Xuhua He, and Jason Michael Starr . by Daniel Greb, Stefan Kebekus, Sándor J. Kovács, and Thomas Peternell . by Arthur Avila and Mikhail Lyubich
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 114
所蔵館14館 by Juha Heinonen and Stephen Keith . by Rupert L. Frank, Elliott H. Lieb, Robert Seiringer, and Lawrence E. Thomas . by Damien Gayet and Jean-Yves Welschinger . by P.B. Kronheimer and T.S. Mrowka
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 113
所蔵館14館 by Vladimir Voevodsky . par Pierre Deligne . by A. Alekseev, B. Enriquez and C. Torossian . by Mohammed Abouzaid
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 112