This survey of advanced chemistry covers 600 reactions, describing their scope, limitations and mechanism. Also included are sections on the mechanisms of the important reaction types and the structure and stereochemistry of organic compounds and reactive intermediates.
ISBN 9780471888413
This survey of advanced chemistry covers virtually all the useful reactions - 600 all told - with the scope, limitations and mechanism of each described in detail. Extensive general sections on the mechanisms of the important reaction types and five chapters on the structure and stereochemistry of organic compounds and reactive intermediates are included as well. Of the more than 10,000 references included, 5000 are new in this edition.
Localized Chemical bonding
Delocalized Chemical Bonding
Bonding Weaker than Covalent
Carbocations, Carbanions, Free Radicals, Carbenes and Nitrenes
Mechanisms and Methods of Determining Them
Acids and Bases
Effects of Structure on Reactivity
Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution
Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution
Aliphatic Electrophilic Substitution
Free-Radical Substitution
Addition to Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds
Addition to Carbon- Hetero Multiple Bonds
Oxidations and Reductions
The Literature of Organic Chemistry
Classifications of Reactions by Type of Compound Synthesized.