This general introduction outlines various components of the grammar, and the way in which they interact, treats movement rules in detail, and describes approaches to deletion. Also dealt with are major constraints, the theta-criterion (and related issues), semantics in the framework of generative grammar, and speech acts. No previous specialized knowledge is presupposed, the level of complexity increasing gradually throughout the book. A comprehensive index facilitates cross-referencing, and a set of exercises coded on to each chapter makes it possible for the reader to apply the system of rules and principles described in the text.
Preface. General Introduction. I. The Philosophical Underpinnings of the Generative Paradigm. II. The Modules of a Transformational - Generative Grammar: A Preliminary Overview. III. PS Rules, P-Markers, and Their Interpretation. IV. The Structure of Lexical Items. V. X-Bar Syntax. VI. The Principles of Binding. VII. The Transformational Component - Some Basic Concepts. VIII. Transformational Operations - Move Alpha. IX. Transformational Operations - Deletion of Lexical Material With Semantic Content. X. Constraints on Transformations - The Search for Generalizations. XI. Theta-Roles, The Theta-Criterion, The Theories of Chains and Case - and Some Related Issues. XII. Logical Form - Selected Topics. XIII. Other Semantic Rules - Selected Topics. XIV. Speech Acts. Exercises. References. Index.
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