North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics
North-Holland , Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland [manufacture]
Applied mathematics and mechanics
Ivan Hlaváček, Jan Chleboun, Ivo Babuška,
Elsevier 2004 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 46
S.C. Gupta
Elsevier 2003 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 45
Don Kulasiri and Wynand Verwoerd
North Holland 2002 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics 44
M.A. Save, C.E. Massonnet, G. de Saxce
Elsevier c1997 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 43
E.M. de Jager, Jiang Furu
Elsevier 1996 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 42
Dusan Krajcinovic
Elsevier 1996 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 41
B.L. Karihaloo, J.H. Andreasen
Elsevier 1996 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 40
Adnan H. Nayfeh
Elsevier Science 1995 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 39
Aleksey D. Drozdov, Vladimir B. Kolmanovskii
Elsevier 1994 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 38
by S. Nemat-Nasser, M. Hori
North-Holland 1993 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 37
by J.W. Cohen
North-Holland , Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 1992 [2nd] rev. ed., [pbk. ed.] North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 8
: pbk
by A.I. Lurie ; translated from the Russian by K.A. Lurie
North-Holland , Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 1990 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 36
edited by M.F. McCarthy and M.A. Hayes
North-Holland , Sole distributed for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 1989 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 35
Pierre Brousse
North-Holland c1988 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 34
Gérard A. Maugin
North-Holland 1988 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 33
Joseph H.M.T. van der Hijden
North Holland , Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 1987 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 32
E.L. Axelrad
North-Holland , Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 1987 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 28
G. Böhme ; [translated by J.C. Harvey]
North-Holland 1987 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 31
Julian D. Cole, L. Pamela Cook
North-Holland c1986 North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 30
by Martin Schechter
North-Holland 1986 2nd ed North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics v. 14