NATO advanced study institutes series
D. Reidel Pub. Co. , Noordhoff , Plenum Press , Martinus Nijhoff
NATO ASI series
edited by Alirio E. Rodrigues, Josepf M. Calo and Norman H. Sweed
Sijthoff & Noordhoff
NATO advanced study institutes series
. Series E,
edited by Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld
Sijthoff & Noordhoff 1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. D . Behavioural and social sciences ; no. 4
edited by William M. Wardell and Giampaolo Velo ; with the assistance of Nancy M. Jarocha
Plenum Press c1981 NATO advanced study institutes series Series A . Life sciences ; v. 39
edited by F. Berti and G. P. Velo
Plenum Press c1981 NATO advanced study institutes series Series A . Life sciences ; v. 36
edited by Leif Bjørnø
D. Reidel Pub. Co. NATO advanced study institutes series Series C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 66
edited by Charles Taillie,Ganapati P. Patil, and Bruno A. Baldessari
D. Reidel Pub. Co.
NATO advanced study institutes series
Series C,
edited by Charles Taillie, Ganapati P. Patil, and Bruno A. Baldessari
D. Reidel Pub. Co.
NATO advanced study institutes series
Series C,
edited by I.G. Csizmadia and R. Daudel
D. Reidel , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston c1981 NATO advanced study institutes series Series C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 67
edited by Daniel A. Griffith, Ross D. Mackinnon
Sijthoff and Noordhoff 1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. D . Behavioural and social sciences ; no. 7
edited by Wal F.J. Van Lierop and Peter Nijkamp
Sijithoff & Noordhoff 1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. D . Behavioural and social sciences ; no. 5
edited by Eystein S. Husebye and Svein Mykkeltveit
D. Reidel Publishing , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston c1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 74
edited by Edward J. Haug and Jean Cea
Noordhoff 1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. E . Applied sciences ; no. 49-50
v. 1 , v. 2
edited by Ibrahim Kavrakoglu
Sijthoff & Noerdhoff 1981. NATO advanced study institutes series Series E . Applies sciences ; no. 37
edited by B. Shackel
Noordhoff 1981. NATO advanced study institutes series . Series E. Applied sciences ; v. 44
ed. by J. K. Skwirzynski
Sijthoff & Noordhoff c1981 NATO advanced study institutes series Series E . Applied sciences ; no. 40
edited by P. Antognetti, D.O. Pederson, H. De Man
Sijthoff & Noordhoff 1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. E . Applied sciences ; no. 48
edited by G. Velo and A.S. Wightman
Plenum Press c1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. B . Physics ; v. 74
edited by Alirio E. Rodrigues and Daniel Tondeur
Sijthoff & Noordhoff 1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. E . Applied sciences ; no. 33
ed. by Alirio E, Rodrigues, Joseph M. Calo and Norman H. Sweed
Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1981 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. E . Applied sciences ; no. 51
1 , 2
edited by Peter Plaumann and Karl Strambach
D. Reidel Pub. Co. , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston c1981 NATO advanced study institutes series . ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 70