Proceedings of the Berkeley conference in honor of Jerzy Neyman and Jack Kiefer
edited by Lucien M. Le Cam, Richard A. Olshen ; with the assistance of Ching-Shui Cheng ... [et al.]
(The Wadsworth statistics/probability series)
Wadsworth Advanced Books & Software , Institute of Mathematical Statistics, c1985
vol. 1417.5||P94||185010576,
vol. 1418.8//L00013781877,
v. 1417/L,p/12112132455
vol. 1417.5||LE||100437462
vol. 1519.5||P 94||188003815,
vol. 1519.9/L4500007582059,
vol. 2ikkatu
vol. 1417||P94||110005344,
東京学芸大学 附属図書館 数学 vol. 138506752,
vol. 1410.4||N68||140878289,
名古屋大学 情報・言語合同図書室 情報・言語 1417||P890292,
名古屋大学 理学 図書室 理数理 vol. 1P||USA||83-P1||2600240874822,
vol. 1418.8||295||12100193,
vol. 14178507145,
vol. 1417.5||P94||1064032186012731 Proceedings of a conference held in Berkeley, Calif., June 20-July 1, 1983 Includes bibliographical references
Wadsworth Advanced Books & Software , Institute of Mathematical Statistics , Wadsworth International Group
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