Pure and applied mathematics
Interscience Publishers
Pure and applied mathematics : a Wiley-Interscience series of monographs, and tracts
Pure and applied mathematics : a Wiley-Interscience series of texts, monographs, and tracts
Pure and applied mathematics : a series of texts and monographs
Pure and applied mathematics : a Wiley series of texts, monographs, and tracts
Vol. 1(1948)-vol. 18(1968) published by: New York : Interscience Publishers
Vol. 19(1968)-vol. 28(1972) published by: New York : Wiley-Interscience
1973- published by: New York : Wiley
G. Sansone ; translated from the Italian by Ainsley H. Diamond ; with a foreword by Einar Hille
Interscience Publishers. 1959 Rev. English ed Pure and applied mathematics v. 9
Max Herzberger
Interscience Phublishers 1958 Pure and applied mathematics v. 8
Nelson Dunford and Jacob T. Schwartz ; with the assistance of William G. Bade and Robert G. Bartle
Interscience Publishers 1958 Pure and applied mathematics v. 7 . Linear operators ; pt. 1
F.G. Tricomi
Interscience Publishers 1957 Pure and applied mathematics v. 5
Solomon Lefschetz
Interscience Publishers 1957 Pure and applied mathematics v. 6
J.J. Stoker
Interscience Publishers 1957 Pure and applied mathematics v. 4
J.J. Stoker
Interscience Publishers 1950 Pure and applied mathematics v. 2
R. Courant ; with an appendix by M. Schiffer
Interscience Publishers 1950 Pure and applied mathematics v. 3
R. Courant and K.O. Friedrichs
Interscience Publishers 1948 Pure and applied mathematics v. 1