Lunar and planetary science : papers presented to the ... Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1997-
[CD-ROM ed.]
Lunar planet. sci (CD-ROM)
Lunar and planetary science (CD-ROM)
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Title from title screen
Available in PDF format
System requirements: IBM PC or compatible, or Macintosh; UNIX or DOS; Microsoft Windows; Adobe Acrobat reader, version 4.0 or higher; CD-ROM drive
Summary: Contains the preface, table of contents, program, abstracts and indexes for the ... Lunar Planterary Conference
Abstracts also issued in microfiche and online versions
Online abstracts:
<28th> also issued in print
Sponsored by: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lunar and Planetary Institute, and NASA Johnson Space Center
Compiled by: Lunar and Planetary Institute
Lunar and Planetary Institute c1978-1997