Smith's magazine
Xerox University Microfilms, 1974
Microfilm ed.
マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))
American popular culture
Popular periodicals
Collective title of microfilm: American popular culture : popular periodicals
Originally published: New York : Smith publishing house , 1905-1922
Supplement to: American popular culture, popular periodicals, a guide to the microfilm collection reels 1-48
Several pages are torn with some loss of text
Vol. 8 is missing; not available for photographing
Vol. 10, no. 3, p.394-95 are stained with some print missing; p.407-08 are missing
Vol. 12, no. 4 is misnumbered
Vol. 14, no. 5, p.801-02 are tightly bound with some loss of text
Vol. 25-34: indexes lacking