Budget estimate
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Finance
Inter Documentation, c1988
[Microfiche ed.]
Annual budget statement of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Annual financial statement
Title from cover
Title varies. Vol. for 16th Dec., 1971 to 30th June, 1972, and for 1972/73 has title: Annual budget statement of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, on its t.p; Vols. for 1973/74 (1973/74)-1974/75 (1974/75) have title Annual financial statement, on their t.p.; the title only appears above the contents in successive issues
Microfiche. Originally published: [Dacca] : Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Finance, [1972?-
Originally prepared by: Ministry of Finance, Finance Division, 1980/81 (1980/81)-1981/82 (1981/82), 1984/85 (1984/85)- ; Ministry of Finance and Planning, Finance Division, 1982/83 (1982/83)-1983/84 (1983/84)
Originally published by: Bangladesh Government Press, 1980/81 (1980/81)-