Annual report of the Philippine Civil Service Board to the Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands for the year ended ...
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))
Annual report of the Philippine Civil Service Board to the Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands and the United States Philippine Commission for the year ended ...
Microfilm. Originally published: Manila : Bureau of Public Printing, 1903-1904; and 5th report published: Washington, D.C. : G.P.O., 1906; LCCN:91034169
Title varies slightly. Vol. for 3rd (Sept. 30, 1903): Annual report of ... to the Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands and the United States Philippine Commission ...; vol. for 4th (June 30, 1904): Annual report of ... to the Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands and the Philippine Commission for the nine months ended ...; vol. for 5th (June 30, 1905): Annual report of the Philippine Civil-Service Board, for the year ended ...
Vol. for -3rd (Sept. 30, 1903) report year ends Sept. 30; vol. for 4th (June 30, 1904) covers nine months ended June 30; vol. for 5th (June 30, 1905) report year ends June 30
Vol. for 5th (June 30, 1905) issued by the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department
Vol. for 5th (June 30, 1905) "from the Report of the Philippine Commission, part 1, pages 667-753."
Originally continued by: Annual report of the Philippine Bureau of Civil Service for the year ended ...; LCCN:91034170