Orders of the day, minutes of proceedings = Ordres du jour, procès-verbaux
Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly = Counseil de l'Europe. Assemblée parlementaire
Council of Europe
Orders day, Minutes proc. - Counc. Eur. Parliam. Assem
Orders of day. Minutes of proceedings - Council of Europe. Parliament Assembly
Sophia University Library 中央1984-1993;1994-2000Za12:O7113
Began with Sept. 1974 issue
VLRY of LC MARC: 26th session, 2d pt.- Sept. 1974-
Frequency: Three times a year, <1990>-1992; Four times a year, 1993-
English and French
Description based on: 40th ordinary session, 3rd/4th pts. (30 Jan.-3 Feb./5 May 1989)
Continues: Orders of the day, minutes of proceedings / Council of Europe. Consultative Assembly