Overseas trade. Revised series : monthly report
Trinidad and Tobago. Central Statistical Office
Office of the Prime Minister, Central Statistical Office, -1988
Overseas trade. Revised series. SITC [Revised] : bi-monthly report
Overseas trade. Revised series. SITC [Revision 2] : bi-monthly report
Overseas trade. Revised series. SITC [Revision 2]
Overseas trade report
一橋大学 経済研究所 資料室 1969-1988ZD:26
Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 2 (Feb. 1969)
Title from cover
Subtitle varies: -22(12)(Dec. 1972), monthly report; 23(1)(Jan./Feb. 1973)-29(6)(Dec. 1979), SITC [Revised] : bi-monthly report; 30(5)(Oct.1980)-34(3)(June 1984), SITC [Revision 2] : bi-monthly report; 34(4)(Jan./June 1985)-, SITC [Revision 2]
From V.23, no.1, Used a version of the S.I.T.C.(Standard International Trae Classification)