Heins, Daniel
Theocritus à Ganda
Philodusus, Janus
Heynsius, D. (Daniel)
edited and translated by Jan Bloemendal
Brill c2020 Drama and theatre in early modern Europe v. 10
: hardback
オットー・ウェニウス, ダニエル・ヘインシウス著 ; 伊藤博明訳
ありな書房 2009.12 エンブレム原典叢書 2
Daniel Heinsius ; edition, traduction et notes par Anne Duprat
Droz 2001 Travaux du Grand Siècle no 21
Daniel Heinsius ; herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Barbara Becker-Cantarino
P. Lang 1983, c1979 Nachdrucke deutscher Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts Bd. 31
Aristoteles ; Daniel Heinsius rec., ordini suo restituit, Lat. vertit, notas add. . Daniel Heinsius
G. Olms 1976 Documenta semiotica Serie 2 . Litteraria
Daniel Heinsius(?) ; selected and edited by John Horden ; introductory note by C.N. Smith
Scolar Press 1973 Continental emblem books / selected and edited by John Horden 10
door Gerbrand Adriaensz Bredero ... [et al.]
Universiteits--Bibliotheek Amsterdam 1968
cum interpretatione Danielis Heinsii, cui subjungitur ejusdem Libellus Περι παθων, id est, de Animi affectionibus
Excudebat Johannes Hayes 1679
E Theatro Sheldoniano anno Dom. 1677
Ex Officinâ Elsevirianâ 1643
Ex Officina Elzeviriana 1635
Apud Ludouicum Elzeuirium anno 1614
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