Всесоюзное общество по распространению политических и научных знаний
Vissavienības politisko zināšanu un zinātn̦u popularizēšanas biedrība (Soviet Union)
All Union Society for the Distribution of Political and Scientific Knowledge (Soviet Union)
Soviet Union. Vsesoi︠u︡znoe obshchestvo po rasprostranenii︠u︡ politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniĭ
Soviet Union. All Union Society for the Distribution of Political and Scientific Knowledge
Soviet Society for the Popularization of Political and Scientific Knowledge
Soviet Society for the Popularisation of Political and Scientific Knowledge
Vsesoi︠u︡znoe obshchestvo "Znanie."
Soi︠u︡z voinstvui︠u︡shchikh bezbozhnikov SSSR