ISBN 978-1-913451-09-7 (ebook)
Facts and Fallacies
Ansible Editions, 2017
Cover image: ideal phrenological head-shape from Vaught’s Practical Character Reader (1902) by L.A. Vaught.
Ebook publication date: 1 August 2017.
Facts & Fallacies, published in ebook form for the first time in August 2017, is a collection of strange and for the most part spectacularly misguided quotations with witty commentary by the authors. First published as a 1981 hardback, it was well reviewed by the UK press.
For this ebook edition we have lightly revised the text, removed a couple of items which proved to be hoaxes or misquotations not so easy to detect in those pre-Web days (more about this in the new Introduction), and added at least one new “Bonus” quotation – often several – at the end of each chapter. Total length of ebook: close on 52,000 words, roughly 20% longer than the 1981 original.
The main chapter headings of Facts & Fallacies are: The Arts, Astronomy, Aviation, Biology, Business, Energy, Evolution, The Future, Inventions, Literature, Mathematics (not in the original book but split off from Science below and much expanded), Medicine, Music, Oddballs, Politics, Race, Religion, Science, Sex, Space Flight, Sport, Transport, Warfare, Women, World’s End and Zymurgy. Not to mention the original Introduction, a new extra Introduction for the ebook, and a page of grateful Acknowledgments.
Click the top button below for the Langford site page with details of the print editions, complete with the original blurb. The next button down takes you to a tasty selection of review quotations.